
Real Health Radio

Body Image, Self-Compassion and Why Recovery Is Worth It with Abbie Attwood

EP: 328

My guest on the podcast this week is anti-diet nutritionist Abbie Attwood. We chat about Abbie's history with an eating disorder, what led up to it and most importantly, what helped her to recover. We also cover self-compassion, not loving what your body looks like, the importance of values, why recovery is worth it and so much more.

Link to 328: Body Image, Self-Compassion and Why Recovery Is Worth It with Abbie Attwood

Full Recovery Is Possible For Everyone

EP: 327

I've lost count of how many times I've heard people being told by their supposed recovery team that full recovery isn't possible for them. This is not ok and it's not accurate. Full recovery is possible for everyone and in this episode I explain why.

Link to 327: Full Recovery Is Possible For Everyone

Parenting Without Diet Culture With Oona Hanson

EP: 326

This week on the show I'm chatting with parent coach Oona Hanson. We talk about her child developing an eating disorder, the FBT model, and the many reasons that parents reach out to her for help.

Link to 326: Parenting Without Diet Culture with Oona Hanson

Making Recovery A Priority

EP: 325

To reach a place of full recovery (or even to just get started with recovery) you need to make it a priority. In this episode, I share what this means in real terms and some practical steps to help.

Link to 325: Making Recovery A Priority

Why Your Goal In Recovery Is Not To Be A Normal Eater

EP: 324

It's so common to hear from people that they want to go from having an eating disorder to just being a normal eater. And while this can be the long term plan, this should not be the focus while in recovery and as part of this episode I explain why.

Link to 324: Why Your Goal In Recovery Is Not To Be A Normal Eater


323: Story Follows State - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Story Follows State

EP: 323

One of the most important concepts to understand is "story follows state." As part of this episode, I talk about what this means and how it relates to eating disorder recovery.

Link to 323: Story Follows State
Rebroadcast: Body Grief with Bri Campos - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Body Grief with Bri Campos


EP: 257

This week on Real Health Radio I chat with Bri Campos. We talk about body image, specifically through the lens of body grief.

Link to Rebroadcast: Body Grief with Bri Campos
322: Exercise And Recovery - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Exercise And Recovery

EP: 322

One of the most common questions I get from people is, "What are your thoughts on exercise in recovery?" In this episode, I answer this question by looking at the fears connected to changing exercise habits, why I believe it's essential to have a break from exercise and how and when to reintroduce it, is stopping exercise the first change you need to make, do you have to go cold turkey or can you reduce it over time, how to reframe this change and much more.

Link to 322: Exercise And Recovery
321: Bulimia Recovery, Dealing with Difficult Emotions and Negative Thoughts with Harriet Frew - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Bulimia Recovery, Dealing with Difficult Emotions and Negative Thoughts with Harriet Frew

EP: 321

My guest this week is Harriet Frew, the host of The Eating Disorder Therapist Podcast. We chat about Harriet’s history with an eating disorder and becoming a therapist, bulimia recovery, the importance of regular eating, dealing with negative thoughts and emotions, self-esteem, motivation for change, learning to be assertive and much more.

Link to 321: Bulimia Recovery, Dealing with Difficult Emotions and Negative Thoughts with Harriet Frew
320: The Six Human Needs - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Six Human Needs

EP: 320

In this episode I walk through the six human needs we all have and how they guide our behaviour. This can help you understand what role the eating disorder is serving and some of the things that need to change to help in your recovery.

Link to 320: The Six Human Needs
319: How to Recover From An Eating Disorder This Year - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How to Recover From An Eating Disorder This Year

EP: 319

If you want to recover from an eating disorder this year, this episode is for you. I outline where to be putting your focus, the things that make a difference, and what to avoid.

Link to 319: How to Recover From An Eating Disorder This Year


Rebroadcast: My Over Eating Experiment [2nd Edition] - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

My Over Eating Experiment [2nd Edition]


EP: 259

This episode is the 2nd edition, looking at an over eating experiment that I did back in 2016. I go through the experiment and what happened to my body, I talk about calories in and calories out and update this version with new ideas since the original episode came out.

Link to Rebroadcast: My Over Eating Experiment [2nd Edition]
318: The Problem With Maintenance And Stopping Recovery Early - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Problem With Maintenance And Stopping Recovery Early

EP: 318

A common problem in recovery is being told to do "maintenance" or stopping recovery because you think it "should" be done by now. I look at why this is a problem and what to do instead.

Link to 318: The Problem With Maintenance And Stopping Recovery Early
317: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Contraception, and Evaluating Research with Dr. Nicola Sykes - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Contraception, and Evaluating Research with Dr. Nicola Sykes

EP: 317

This week on the podcast, I speak to Dr. Nicola Sykes author of No Period Now What and the All In Podcast. We talk about the recent updates she made to her book, the changes we've seen in the HA recovery space, contraception and some of the myths around it, evaluating research and figuring out who to trust, navigating social media and much more.

Link to 317: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Contraception, and Evaluating Research with Dr. Nicola Sykes
316: Why Restricting Before An Event Makes Things Worse - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Why Restricting Before An Event Makes Things Worse

EP: 316

A common tactic employed with an upcoming event (like a meal with friends or Christmas lunch) is to restrict in advance. I look at the intention behind this, what happens when you follow this tactic and a suggestion for what to do instead.

Link to 316: Why Restricting Before An Event Makes Things Worse
Rebroadcast: Defeating An Eating Disorder In Midlife with Betsy Brenner - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Defeating An Eating Disorder In Midlife with Betsy Brenner


EP: 256

This week on Real Health Radio I chat with Betsy Brenner all about her memoir The Longest Match: Rallying to Defeat an Eating Disorder in Midlife. We chat about her childhood, emotional trauma, profound grief, anxiety, depression, the development of an eating disorder in her 40s and everything she did to recover.

Link to Rebroadcast: Defeating An Eating Disorder In Midlife with Betsy Brenner
315: You’re Giving The Eating Disorder Too Much Credit - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

You're Giving The Eating Disorder Too Much Credit

EP: 315

It's common for people to credit the eating disorder for doing many things for them. But typically, when we examine this closer, what the eating disorder provides is very different. In this episode, I share ideas based on two recent client conversations.

Link to 315: You’re Giving The Eating Disorder Too Much Credit
314: Full Recovery After An Eating Disorder For 40+ Years with Julia Trehane - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Full Recovery After An Eating Disorder For 40+ Years with Julia Trehane

EP: 314

My guest this week on the show is Julia Trehane. Julia fully recovered after living with an eating disorder for 40+ years. We talk about Julia's difficult upbringing, the many phases of her eating disorder, what did and didn't help in her recovery and many of the things she now works on with clients as a recovery coach.

Link to 314: Full Recovery After An Eating Disorder For 40+ Years with Julia Trehane
313: Trying To Appease The Eating Disorder Won’t Work - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Trying To Appease The Eating Disorder Won't Work

EP: 313

One common mistake that occurs with an eating disorder is attempting to appease it. And typically, this is born out of the fear of what the eating disorder might do, so it's a form of anticipatory obedience. During the episode, I explain why this doesn't work and a different way of framing things to help you take action in your recovery.

Link to 313: Trying To Appease The Eating Disorder Won’t Work
312: The Fear Of Weight Gain And Loss Aversion - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Fear Of Weight Gain And Loss Aversion

EP: 312

Fear of weight gain is typically the biggest fear getting in the way of recovery. In this episode, I examine the connection between this fear and the concept of loss aversion, referencing a fantastic study to demonstrate the high price paid to avoid this loss.

Link to 312: The Fear Of Weight Gain And Loss Aversion
311: Going All In, Extreme Hunger, Mental Hunger and Dealing with Weight Gain with Becky Freestone - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Going All In, Extreme Hunger, Mental Hunger and Dealing with Weight Gain with Becky Freestone

EP: 311

Today on the show I'm talking with Becky Freestone, recovery coach and someone who fully recovered after 20+ years of living with an eating disorder. We cover Becky's recovery journey plus going all, dealing with weight gain, extreme hunger, mental hunger, going beyond where you thought you had to, and tips for getting started with your recovery.

Link to 311: Going All In, Extreme Hunger, Mental Hunger and Dealing with Weight Gain with Becky Freestone
310: You Never Have To Restrict Again - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

You Never Have To Restrict Again

EP: 310

One common fear that regularly comes up is the belief that after doing recovery for some length of time, you'll need to start restricting again. In this episode, I go through some of the misconceptions with this and why you never have to restrict again.

Link to 310: You Never Have To Restrict Again
Rebroadcast: Eating Disorder Recovery - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Eating Disorder Recovery


EP: 255

On this episode of Real Health Radio, it is a solo show and it is all about eating disorder recovery. I cover the many aspects that make up recovery when we truly want to get at all the ways that an eating disorder infiltrates one’s life

Link to Rebroadcast: Eating Disorder Recovery
309: Body Image Freedom With Jamie Magdic - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Body Image Freedom With Jamie Magdic

EP: 309

On this week's episode of the podcast I chat with Jamie Magdic about her book Food & Body Image Freedom Workbook & Journal: Find body love and food freedom without diets, food obsession, or weight shame!

Link to 309: Body Image Freedom With Jamie Magdic
308: Cognitive Impairment, Anticipated Regret, Eating Speed and Her New Book With Emily Troscianko - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Cognitive Impairment, Anticipated Regret, Eating Speed and Her New Book With Emily Troscianko

EP: 308

This week we have a returning guest with Emily Troscianko making her second appearance on the show. As part of this episode we talk about the research Emily did to test if her memoir would create harm and whether it should be published. We also talk about cognitive impairment with eating disorders, the power of anticipated regret and using eating speed with recovery.

Link to 308: Cognitive Impairment, Anticipated Regret, Eating Speed and Her New Book With Emily Troscianko
307: You’re Not Good At Predicting The Future - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

You're Not Good At Predicting The Future

EP: 307

As humans, we are not very good at predicting the future or how a future event will leave us feeling and how long that feeling will last. And this is especially the case when living with an eating disorder. Today on the show, I look at an idea called affective forecasting and some of the biases or reasons we predict incorrectly.

Link to 307: You’re Not Good At Predicting The Future
306: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Eating Disorders With Dr Jennifer Gaudiani - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Eating Disorders With Dr Jennifer Gaudiani

EP: 306

We have a returning guest to the show this week, with Dr Jennifer Gaudiani returning for her second time. This episode is a deep dive into Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and eating disorders.

Link to 306: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Eating Disorders With Dr Jennifer Gaudiani
305: Five Ways To Remind Yourself That Thoughts Are Just Thoughts - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Five Ways To Remind Yourself That Thoughts Are Just Thoughts

EP: 305

It's easy to get hooked by our thoughts, even when they are unhelpful and pull us away from the kind of life we want to lead. This episode gives you five practical tools to help remind you that thoughts are just thoughts.

Link to 305: Five Ways To Remind Yourself That Thoughts Are Just Thoughts
Rebroadcast: Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Person-Focused Therapy and Eating Disorder Recovery with Dr. Colleen Reichmann - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Person-Focused Therapy and Eating Disorder Recovery with Dr. Colleen Reichmann


EP: 254

On this episode of Real Health Radio, my guest is Dr. Colleen Reichmann. We chat about Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), person-focused therapy, eating disorder recovery, motivation, harm reduction versus full recovery, the pros and cons of different levels of care, motivation and her book The Inside Scoop On Eating Disorder Recovery.

Link to Rebroadcast: Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Person-Focused Therapy and Eating Disorder Recovery with Dr. Colleen Reichmann
304: Co-Morbidity With Eating Disorders and ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) with Dr. Brad Smith - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Dr. Brad Smith

EP: 304

This week on the show I speak with Dr. Brad Smith, the chief medical officer for Rogers Behavioural Health. We talk about the co-occurence of many conditions with eating disorders: OCD, anxiety, depression, and addiction. We also cover ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) - what it is, how it works and how it can be used for different aspects of recovery.

Link to 304: Co-Morbidity With Eating Disorders and ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) with Dr. Brad Smith
303: Going Slow Isn’t Easier And Better For Recovery - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Going Slow Isn’t Easier And Better For Recovery

EP: 303

One of the most common mistakes I see people making is to go slow in recovery. As part of this episode I look at the common reason why people take this approach and why it doesn't help.

Link to 303: Going Slow Isn’t Easier And Better For Recovery
302: Coping Without Using Eating Disorder Behaviours - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Coping Without Using Eating Disorder Behaviours

EP: 302

Do you know how to cope without using eating disorder behaviours? For many (or most) the eating disorder becomes their only means of coping. This means that part of recovery is about learning other ways of coping, and that's what this episode is about.

Link to 302: Coping Without Using Eating Disorder Behaviours
301: Compulsive Movement, Digestive Issues In Recovery, And RAVES With Talia Cecchele - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Compulsive Movement, Digestive Issues In Recovery, And RAVES With Talia Cecchele

EP: 301

This week I the show I speak with Talia Cecchele. We talk about overcoming compulsive movement, digestive issues in recovery, the RAVES framework and how it can be used when making choices about food changes in recovery as well as some nutrition myth busting.

Link to 301: Compulsive Movement, Digestive Issues In Recovery, And RAVES With Talia Cecchele
300: Start Before You Feel Ready - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Start Before You Feel Ready

EP: 300

The eating disorder will always try to convince you that now is not the right time to recover. You will never feel completely ready, so rather than waiting any longer, start before you feel ready.

Link to 300: Start Before You Feel Ready
Rebroadcast: Body Image and Self-Worth with Summer Innanen - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Body Image and Self-Worth with Summer Innanen


EP: 253

On this episode of Real Health Radio, I'm chatting with Summer Innanen, making her third appearance on the podcast. This episode is all about body image and we cover what body image is as well as how it is connected to self-worth, confidence, emotions, feelings, dieting, exercise, body trust, comparison, and the judgement of others.

Link to Rebroadcast: Body Image and Self-Worth with Summer Innanen
299: Recovery Is Hard. Living With An Eating Disorder Is Harder - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Recovery Is Hard. Living With An Eating Disorder Is Harder

EP: 299

The eating disorder always makes out how hard recovery is. But the reality is, that living with an eating disorder is harder than recovery.

Link to 299: Recovery Is Hard. Living With An Eating Disorder Is Harder
298: Overcoming Calorie Counting, Compulsive Exercise, Shame and Secrecy With Sheri Segal Glick - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Overcoming Calorie Counting, Compulsive Exercise, Shame and Secrecy With Sheri Segal Glick

EP: 298

In this episode I speak with Sheri Segal Glick, author of The Skinny: My messy, hopeful fight for full recovery from anorexia. We cover calorie counting, compulsive exercise, shame and secrecy, quasi recovery versus full recovery, commitment in recovery and sitting with discomfort.

Link to 298: Overcoming Calorie Counting, Compulsive Exercise, Shame and Secrecy With Sheri Segal Glick
297: Hidden Potential - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Hidden Potential

EP: 297

This week on the podcast I am looking at Adam Grant's book Hidden Potential and the ideas from it that can be applied to recovery.

Link to 297: Hidden Potential
296: Autism and Eating Disorders with Livia Sara - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Autism and Eating Disorders with Livia Sara

EP: 296

Today's guest is Livia Sara. In this episode, we chat about the overlap between autism and eating disorders, existential loneliness, metabolism, body image, eating variety and its place in recovery, the fear of weight gain, hunger signals, interoceptive awareness, and how intuitive eating does or doesn’t work with autism.

Link to 296: Autism and Eating Disorders with Livia Sara
295: Cognitive Distortions - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Cognitive Distortions

EP: 295

Cognitive distortions are patterns of thought that distort our perception of reality, cause us to misinterpret situations, magnify negative emotions, and hold unrealistic expectations of ourselves, others and the world. This can lead to increased misery, anxiety, and self-doubt, ultimately impacting our overall well-being. In this episode, I look at a number of cognitive distortions that you can be on the look out for.

Link to 295: Cognitive Distortions
Rebroadcast: Midlife, Ageism, Recovery, Body Image and Intuitive Eating with Michelle Vina-Baltsas - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Midlife, Ageism, Recovery, Body Image and Intuitive Eating with Michelle Viña-Baltsas


EP: 251

On this episode of Real Health Radio, I'm chatting with Michelle Viña-Baltsas. We speak about Michelle's decades-long struggles with food and body and how she healed her relationship with both of them. We also talk about body image, ageism, menopause, hormonal and physical changes, exercise, self-worth, and some of the positives that Michelle has experienced through ageing.

Link to Rebroadcast: Midlife, Ageism, Recovery, Body Image and Intuitive Eating with Michelle Vina-Baltsas
Rebroadcast: Recovery From Anorexia - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Recovery From Anorexia


EP: 236

This week I'm speaking with Jo, a client I've recently finished working with. We cover her recovery journey from the depths of anorexia and now back to health.

Link to Rebroadcast: Recovery From Anorexia
294: Overcoming Complex Trauma, Escaping An Abusive Relationship And Reaching Full Recovery with Victoria Kleinsman - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Overcoming Complex Trauma, Escaping An Abusive Relationship And Reaching Full Recovery with Victoria Kleinsman

EP: 294

Today on the show I'm chatting with Victoria Kleinsman. We cover her 20 year battle with an eating disorder, escaping an abusive relationship, reaching a place of full recovery, how she went from body hate to body love and so much more.

Link to 294: Overcoming Complex Trauma, Escaping An Abusive Relationship And Reaching Full Recovery with Victoria Kleinsman
293: The Problem With Delaying Your Eating - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Problem With Delaying Your Eating

EP: 293

It's very common with eating disorders to put off eating, both while active in the eating disorder and even in recovery. In this episode, I explain a few of the problems with this strategy.

Link to 293: The Problem With Delaying Your Eating
Rebroadcast: Is Anorexia Nervosa An Anxiety Disorder with Dr. Sasha Gorrell - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Is Anorexia Nervosa An Anxiety Disorder with Dr. Sasha Gorrell


EP: 246

Today on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Dr. Sasha Gorrell. We talk about the question of is anorexia nervosa an anxiety disorder. We spend a lot of time speaking about the brain and other topics like anxiety, compulsive exercise, the microbiome, and reward and fear circuitry.

Link to Rebroadcast: Is Anorexia Nervosa An Anxiety Disorder with Dr. Sasha Gorrell
292: The Asymmetry Of Eating Disorders - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Asymmetry Of Eating Disorders

EP: 292

Eating disorders seemingly use logic to convince you of why you should or shouldn't do certain behaviours or why something is or isn't important. But in reality, eating disorder are actually illogical and this becomes obvious when we look at them more closely.

Link to 292: The Asymmetry Of Eating Disorders
Rebroadcast : Unapologetic Eating, Beauty Ideals, Body Grief and Self-Connection with Alissa Rumsey - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Unapologetic Eating, Beauty Ideals, Body Grief and Self-Connection with Alissa Rumsey


EP: 245

Today on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Alissa Rumsey. We talk about her book Unapologetic Eating: Make Peace With Food and Transform Your Life. We go through the four sections the book contains - fixing, allowing, feeling and growing – and cover some of the ideas and practical suggestions that are offered.

Link to Rebroadcast : Unapologetic Eating, Beauty Ideals, Body Grief and Self-Connection with Alissa Rumsey
291: Recovery Even During The Most Difficult Of Circumstances With Kate Ely - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Recovery Even During The Most Difficult Of Circumstances With Kate Ely

EP: 291

This episode features an interview with my past client Kate Ely, discussing her journey to recovery from an eating disorder. It's an incredibly vulnerable and open interview as Kate discusses many of the family struggles that led to the eating disorder and kept it going for over a decade.

Link to 291: Recovery Even During The Most Difficult Of Circumstances With Kate Ely
290: Reaching A Place Of Full Recovery With Jayne Cudia - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Reaching A Place Of Full Recovery With Jayne Cudia

EP: 290

This episode features an interview with past client Jayne Cudia, discussing her journey to recovery from an eating disorder. Over two and a half years, she went from firmly entrenched in an eating disorder to being free from food, exercise and body image concerns.

Link to 290: Reaching A Place Of Full Recovery With Jayne Cudia
289: One Big Fear With Weight Gain - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

One Big Fear With Weight Gain

EP: 289

This episode was inspired by a recent client conversation (in fact, a conversation I've had many times before). I cover a common fear that comes up connected to making changes and weight gain, something that can stop you in your tracks just as you're getting started.

Link to 289: One Big Fear With Weight Gain
288: What Does Full Recovery Mean? - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

What Does Full Recovery Mean?

EP: 288

Full recovery is a term often used in recovery circles, but what does it mean? In this episode, I cover some definitions and different aspects of full recovery and how you can reflect on your own experience to gauge where you are in your recovery.

Link to 288: What Does Full Recovery Mean?
Rebroadcast: Health At Every Size and Weight Stigma with Ragen Chastain - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Health At Every Size and Weight Stigma with Ragen Chastain


EP: 241

This week on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Ragen Chastain. We cover many topics from her book Fat: The Owner's Manual including Health At Every Size, weight stigma, weight bias in eating disorder recovery, and much more.

Link to Rebroadcast: Health At Every Size and Weight Stigma with Ragen Chastain
Rebroadcast: The Fast Track Trial And The Obesity Collective With Louise Adams - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Fast Track Trial And The Obesity Collective With Louise Adams


EP: 231

This week's guest on the podcast is Louise Adams. We talk about how dieting doesn't work, the problems with weight loss surgery, the horrendous fast track trial in Australia and the Obesitive Collective and its connection to Novo Nordisk.

Link to Rebroadcast: The Fast Track Trial And The Obesity Collective With Louise Adams
287: Death And Eating Disorders - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Death And Eating Disorders

EP: 287

Eating disorders can have serious and sometimes fatal consequences. In this episode I talk about the recent death of a past client and what I hope people can take from this tragedy.

Link to 287: Death And Eating Disorders
Rebroadcast: Eating Disorder Recovery with Emily Troscianko - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Eating Disorder Recovery with Emily Troscianko


EP: 244

On this week's episode of Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Emily Troscianko. We talk about her recovery from anorexia and then many of the topics that she has written about, like eating meat in recovery, anorexia and sex, and then research she is doing looking at reading habits and their connection with eating disorders.

Link to Rebroadcast: Eating Disorder Recovery with Emily Troscianko
286: Goal Setting In Recovery - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Goal Setting In Recovery

EP: 286

Goal setting is an essential part of the recovery process from eating disorders. In this episode I look at different types of goals, when they are applicable and how to best use goals in support of action taking.

Link to 286: Goal Setting In Recovery


285: Symptoms While Recovering - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Symptoms While Recovering

EP: 285

There can be a misconception that when you start recovery, all symptoms immediately improve. This is unfortunately not the case, and it is common for symptoms to arise as part of recovery. In this episode, I go through some of these symptoms and why they occur.

Link to 285: Symptoms While Recovering
284: Binges While Recovering - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Binges While Recovering

EP: 284

Binges while recovering are a common occurrence, despite the fear that they create. As part of this episode, I look at why binges occur in recovery, how to think differently about them and suggestions for what to do after a binge happens.

Link to 284: Binges While Recovering
Rebroadcast: Emotion-Focused Family Therapy and Psychedelic Medicine in the Treatment of Eating Disorders with Dr. Adele Lafrance - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Emotion-Focused Family Therapy and Psychedelic Medicine in the Treatment of Eating Disorders with Dr. Adele Lafrance


EP: 240

This week on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Dr. Adele Lafrance. We cover Emotion-Focused Family Therapy, which she co-developed, as well as the research and practice of psychedelic medicine, where we cover ayahuasca, MDMA, psilocybin and ketamine.

Link to Rebroadcast: Emotion-Focused Family Therapy and Psychedelic Medicine in the Treatment of Eating Disorders with Dr. Adele Lafrance
Rebroadcast: Fat Positive Fertility with Nicola Salmon - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Fat Positive Fertility with Nicola Salmon


EP: 215

On this week's episode Real Health Radio, Chris is chatting with Nicola Salmon. Nicola is a fat-positive fertility coach and author of “Fat and Fertile” and the conversation focuses on all things fertility, conception and pregnancy.

Link to Rebroadcast: Fat Positive Fertility with Nicola Salmon
283: Four Lies The Eating Disorder Tells You That Stops Recovery Getting Started - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Four Lies The Eating Disorder Tells You That Stops Recovery Getting Started

EP: 283

This week it's a solo episode and I'm talking about four lies the eating disorder tells you that stop recovery in its tracks and prevent it from even getting started.

Link to 283: Four Lies The Eating Disorder Tells You That Stops Recovery Getting Started
Rebroadcast: Thriving with Denise Bossarte - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Thriving with Denise Bossarte


EP: 242

On this week's episode of Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Denise Bossarte. We talk about her book, Thriving After Sexual Abuse: Break Your Bondage To The Past And Live A Life You Love. As part of the conversation, we cover many of the activities and practices Denise has done as part of her healing journey.

Link to Rebroadcast: Thriving with Denise Bossarte
282: [Announcement] Free Live Training Starting This Week - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Free Live Training Starting This Week

EP: 282

I'm hosting a three-part live virtual training all about developing resilience in recovery and it starts this Thursday 21st.

Link to 282: [Announcement] Free Live Training Starting This Week
281: Stop Trying To Convince Yourself - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Stop Trying To Convince Yourself

EP: 281

This week it's a solo episode and I'm talking about stopping to try to convince yourself.

Link to 281: Stop Trying To Convince Yourself
280: Are You Making These Two Mistakes In Recovery? - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Are You Making These Two Mistakes In Recovery?

EP: 280

This week it's another solo episode and I'm covering two common mistakes that people make when approaching recovery.

Link to 280: Are You Making These Two Mistakes In Recovery?
Rebroadcast: Prolonged Exposure Therapy, PTSD and Eating Disorder Recovery - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Prolonged Exposure Therapy, PTSD and Eating Disorder Recovery


EP: 238

This week I'm looking at prolonged exposure therapy and its use in treating PTSD while also in recovery from an eating disorder. This is a discussion with an anonymous listener, who shares their journey through 11 weeks of prolonged exposure therapy.

Link to Rebroadcast: Prolonged Exposure Therapy, PTSD and Eating Disorder Recovery
279: What’s The Healthiest Way To Recover? - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

What's The Healthiest Way To Recover?

EP: 279

This week it's a solo episode and I'm talking about what's the healthiest way to recover. I explain why we need to rethink our ideas about health, why understanding context is so important and the reason the fear of "I need to do recovery in the healthiest possible way" arises.

Link to 279: What’s The Healthiest Way To Recover?
Rebroadcast: Polyvagal Theory, Trauma and Regulating Your Nervous System with Deb Dana - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Polyvagal Theory, Trauma and Regulating Your Nervous System with Deb Dana


EP: 233

This week's guest on the podcast is Deb Dana. As part of the show, we talk about all things polyvagal theory and how eating disorders can impact this.

Link to Rebroadcast: Polyvagal Theory, Trauma and Regulating Your Nervous System with Deb Dana
278: These 6 Things Are Crucial For Recovery - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

These 6 Things Are Crucial For Recovery

EP: 278

I'm sharing a solo episode this week and I'm covering six crucial areas in recovery. If you are trying to recover, these are ideas you want to be aware of.

Link to 278: These 6 Things Are Crucial For Recovery
277: Dieting As A Coping Mechanism [Client Interview] - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Dieting As A Coping Mechanism

EP: 277

This week it's another interview with a past client. I'm chatting with Alexis who was stuck in a pattern of using dieting as a coping mechanism. Hear how her life has changed through our work together.

Link to 277: Dieting As A Coping Mechanism [Client Interview]
276: You Saved My Life - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

You Saved My Life

EP: 276

This week on the show I'm interviewing a past client called Sam. We worked together for just under a year and it’s incredible the changes that occurred over this time.

Link to 276: You Saved My Life
275: Life Update Volume 8 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Life Update Volume 8

EP: 275

This week it's a solo episode and I'm talking about what's been going on in my life over the last year.

Link to 275: Life Update Volume 8
Rebroadcast: Introversion, Highly Sensitive Persons, and Knowing Thyself with Sarah Salmon - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Introversion, Highly Sensitive Persons, and Knowing Thyself with Sarah Salmon


EP: 235

My guest this week is Sarah Salmon. We cover Sarah surviving a brain tumour, introversion, Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP), boundaries and creating a life that is aligned with who you are.

Link to Rebroadcast: Introversion, Highly Sensitive Persons, and Knowing Thyself with Sarah Salmon
Rebroadcast: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Eating Disorders and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) with Dr. Lauren Muhlheim - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Eating Disorders and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) with Dr. Lauren Muhlheim


EP: 232

This week's guest on the podcast is Dr. Lauren Muhlheim. We discuss Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Eating Disorders, Family Based Therapy (FBT) for families with adolescents in recovery and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID).

Link to Rebroadcast: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Eating Disorders and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) with Dr. Lauren Muhlheim
274: Polyvagal Theory, Building Safety Anchors and Dealing with Trauma with Justin Sunseri - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Polyvagal Theory, Building Safety Anchors and Dealing with Trauma with Justin Sunseri

EP: 274

I'm chatting with Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Justin Sunseri on the podcast this week. This is a deep dive into all things polyvagal: looking at what it is and all the component ideas, how to build safety anchors, getting unstuck from being in a defensive state and dealing with trauma.

Link to 274: Polyvagal Theory, Building Safety Anchors and Dealing with Trauma with Justin Sunseri
273: The Fundamentals Of Full Recovery Details - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Fundamentals Of Full Recovery Details

EP: 273

This week I'm sharing the details for my new program The Fundamentals Of Full Recovery.

Link to 273: The Fundamentals Of Full Recovery Details
272: Eating Disorder Recovery, Mental Health In Athletics and The Hidden Opponent with Eva Merrell - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Eating Disorder Recovery, Mental Health In Athletics and The Hidden Opponent with Eva Merrell

EP: 272

On this week's episode I talk with former US National Team swimmer Eva Merrell from The Hidden Opponent.

Link to 272: Eating Disorder Recovery, Mental Health In Athletics and The Hidden Opponent with Eva Merrell
271:  Eating Disorder Recovery, Body Image and Being A Fat Dietician with Kimmie Singh - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Eating Disorder Recovery, Body Image and Being A Fat Dietician with Kimmie Singh

EP: 271

This week I chat with fat dietician Kimmie Singh. We discuss Kimmie’s relationship with food and her body, body image and fat acceptance in recovery, the importance of community, mindful eating, redefining health, reframing beauty ideals and much more.

Link to 271:  Eating Disorder Recovery, Body Image and Being A Fat Dietician with Kimmie Singh
Rebroadcast: How Restriction Affects The Brain - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How Restriction Affects The Brain


EP: 230

This is a solo episode looking at how restriction and eating disorders affect the brain. I look at how the structure and function of the brain changes, the phenomenon of anosognosia and how long it takes for repair to occur.

Link to Rebroadcast: How Restriction Affects The Brain
270: Recovery, Self-Compassion and Feeling Comfortable In Your Body with Aaron Flores - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Recovery, Self-Compassion and Feeling Comfortable In Your Body with Aaron Flores

EP: 270

This week Aaron Flores returns to the podcast. We discuss anxiety, Aaron’s appearance on the Ten Percent Happier podcast, binge eating disorder and some of the misconceptions with it, feeling comfortable in your body, self-compassion, grief, anxiety and much more.

Link to 270: Recovery, Self-Compassion and Feeling Comfortable In Your Body with Aaron Flores
Rebroadcast: Causes Of Irregular Periods And Missing Periods - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Causes Of Irregular Periods And Missing Periods


EP: 228

This week it's a solo episode looking at the many causes of irregular periods, anovulatory cycles and missing periods (hypothalamic amenorrhea).

Link to Rebroadcast: Causes Of Irregular Periods And Missing Periods
269: Neurodivergent-Affirming Care with Naureen Hunani - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Neurodiversity and Feeding Challenges with Naureen Hunani

EP: 269

This week I speak with Naureen Hunani, the founder of RD's For Neurodiversity.

Link to 269: Neurodivergent-Affirming Care with Naureen Hunani
Rebroadcast: Childhood Abuse, Shame and  Healing Through Self Compassion With Beverly Engel - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Childhood Abuse, Shame and Healing Through Self Compassion With Beverly Engel


EP: 227

This week's guest on the podcast is Beverly Engel. We talk about childhood abuse and neglect and the negative impact that this can have, with shame being a huge part of this. Self-compassion can be the antidote to shame but for someone with a history of abuse, there can be many obstacles to self-compassion. We talk about these obstacles and the ways to get past them.

Link to Rebroadcast: Childhood Abuse, Shame and  Healing Through Self Compassion With Beverly Engel
Rebroadcast: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Minnesota Starvation Experiment


EP: 226

This week on Real Health Radio, I take a deep dive into the Minnesota Starvation Experiment.

Link to Rebroadcast: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment
268: Eating Disorders in Men, Mental Health and Being An Advocate with William Hornby - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Eating Disorders in Men, Mental Health and Being An Advocate with William Hornby

EP: 268

This week on the show I'm chatting with William Hornby. Wiliam has risen to prominence on social media, speaking about men's eating disorders and mental health and “The Power of Becoming the Advocate You Needed.” We chat about recovery, the rise of eating disorders in boys and men, toxic masculinity and much more.

Link to 268: Eating Disorders in Men, Mental Health and Being An Advocate with William Hornby
Rebroadcast: Unpacking Weight Science with Fiona Willer - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Unpacking Weight Science with Fiona Willer


EP: 225

My guest today is Fiona Willer. As part of the episode, we chat about Fiona’s background and the thesis for her PhD. We talk about Fiona’s history with an eating disorder and how recovery from this helped her move from a weight loss focus to one that’s weight neutral. We also talk about The Look Ahead Study, Malnutrition at every size, overeating, cravings and bingeing and how blood biomarkers are impacted upon restriction.

Link to Rebroadcast: Unpacking Weight Science with Fiona Willer
267: Body Positive Fitness with Jenna Doak - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Body Positive Fitness with Jenna Doak

EP: 267

Today I'm speaking with Jenna Doak, the Co-Founder and Head Trainer at Body Positive Fitness. We talk about Jenna's journey as a personal trainer and her own relationship with exercise. We also cover common topics of discussion with clients: abstaining from exercise when it’s needed, finding joy in movement after a compulsive and compensatory relationship with it, finding joy in movement for the first time in your adult life, psychological flexibility with exercise and lots more.

Link to 267: Body Positive Fitness with Jenna Doak
266: Overcoming Exercise Compulsion with Henry - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Overcoming Exercise Compulsion with Henry

EP: 266

This week on the podcast I chat with Henry, a client I've worked with since September 2021. He’d been living with an eating disorder for many years, which included lots of over exercise and exercise compulsion. And while he’d worked with other practitioners, he was still struggling. He shares how things have changed since we started working together.

Link to 266: Overcoming Exercise Compulsion with Henry
Rebroadcast: Ending Self-Objectification And Fostering Body Image Resilience with Lindsay Kite - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Ending Self-Objectification And Fostering Body Image Resilience with Lindsay Kite


EP: 222

Real Health Radio is back with another guest interview and I chat with Lindsay Kite this week. We cover self-objectification, the problems that arise from learning about 'health and fitness' from mainstream media, research on how children model their parent's behaviour relating to body image and much more!

Link to Rebroadcast: Ending Self-Objectification And Fostering Body Image Resilience with Lindsay Kite
265: Reclaiming Body Trust with Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Reclaiming Body Trust with Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant

EP: 265

My guests this week Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant, the co-founders of the Centre For Body Trust. They have a new book called Reclaiming Body Trust and we get to talk all about it.

Link to 265: Reclaiming Body Trust with Hilary Kinavey and Dana Sturtevant
264: Favourite Books and Documentaries 2022 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Favourite Books and Documentaries 2022

EP: 264

This week on Real Health Radio, I do a round up of my favourite books and documentaries of 2022.

Link to 264: Favourite Books and Documentaries 2022
Rebroadcast: Satisfaction From Eating - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Satisfaction From Eating


EP: 220

This week on Real Health Radio it is a solo show and we're covering everything related to satisfaction from eating. What it is, what are the component parts that make up the sensation, the difference between satisfaction and fullness, some of the fears or objections to eating satisfying meals and some of the ways you can start to practice satisfaction with eating.

Link to Rebroadcast: Satisfaction From Eating


Rebroadcast: Living With A Chronic Illness, Disability and Body Acceptance with Anna Sweeney - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Living With A Chronic Illness, Disability and Body Acceptance with Anna Sweeney


EP: 218

This week on Real Health Radio I'm chatting with Anna Sweeney. We chat about her diagnosis with MS at age 15 and how this has impacted on her life. We also cover disability, body acceptance, eating disorder recovery and Instagram.

Link to Rebroadcast: Living With A Chronic Illness, Disability and Body Acceptance with Anna Sweeney
Rebroadcast: The Eating Instinct with Virginia Sole-Smith - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Eating Instinct with Virginia Sole-Smith


EP: 216

This week on Real Health Radio, I chat with Virginia Sole-Smith. We cover her book The Eating Instinct, her daughter Violet relearning how to eat after a life saving operation at age one month, and the myth of the sugar high.

Link to Rebroadcast: The Eating Instinct with Virginia Sole-Smith
Rebroadcast: Understanding Restriction - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Restriction


EP: 211

This week on the show it's a solo episode where we look at the topic of restriction. Restriction can take many forms but is at the heart of the struggles of every person that I work with.

Link to Rebroadcast: Understanding Restriction
263: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment with Jacob Clark Blickenstaff - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Minnesota Starvation Experiment with Jacob Clark Blickenstaff

EP: 263

Today on the show I'm speaking with Jacob Clark Blickenstaff, his father Harold Blickenstaff was one of the participants in the Minnesota Starvation Experiment.

Link to 263: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment with Jacob Clark Blickenstaff
Rebroadcast: How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 2 (2nd Edition) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 2 (2nd Edition)


EP: 193

In part two of his series on sleep, I explore all the different ways we can get better sleep - including optimising your light exposure, energy intake, pre-bedtime routine, bedroom setup, and more.

Link to Rebroadcast: How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 2 (2nd Edition)
262: Neurodiversity and Eating Disorders with Stacie Fanelli - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Neurodiversity and Eating Disorders with Stacie Fanelli

EP: 262

My guest this week is Stacie Fanelli and we talk all the about intersection of neurodiversity and eating disorders. We cover what neurodivergence is, helpful accommodations in recovery, screening for neurodivergence, masking and animal-assited therapy.

Link to 262: Neurodiversity and Eating Disorders with Stacie Fanelli
261: Speaking Up, Personal Empowerment, Understanding Fear, and Self-Worth with Amy Green Smith - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Speaking Up, Personal Empowerment, Understanding Fear, and Self-Worth with Amy Green Smith

EP: 261

This week I'm speaking with Amy Green Smith. We chat about speaking up and setting boundaries, fear and how this shows up in our modern lives, understanding our motivation, using progressive language, self-worth, hypnotherapy and the difference between “I can’t” and “I won’t”

Link to 261: Speaking Up, Personal Empowerment, Understanding Fear, and Self-Worth with Amy Green Smith
Rebroadcast: How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 1 (2nd Edition) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 1 (2nd Edition)


EP: 192

In today's solo episode, I dive into the science behind sleep. Why do we do it? How much should we be getting? What's a sleep chronotype and why should you know yours? How does circadian rhythm work? Is our sleep quality good enough? This podcast answers all these questions and more.

Link to Rebroadcast: How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 1 (2nd Edition)
260: The National Alliance for Eating Disorders with Johanna Kandel - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The National Alliance For Eating Disorders with Johanna Kandel

EP: 260

Today on the show I'm chatting with Johanna Kandel. She is the founder and CEO of the National Alliance for Eating Disorders and the author of Life Beyond Your Eating Disorder. We talk about Johanna’s eating disorder, her recovery, and how she founded The Alliance and how it has grown and changed over the last 21 years. Then we cover many topics from her book and some of the wonderful exercises and analogies she shares in it.

Link to 260: The National Alliance for Eating Disorders with Johanna Kandel
Rebroadcast: Health Inequality - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Health Inequality


EP: 209

This week on the show it is a solo episode where I look at the topic of Health Inequalities. It's so common when talking about health to focus on "choices" and "personal responsibility" and that "health is in your own hands". But the truth of the matter is that at a population level, health is most directly connected to where you live and socioeconomics. Something I explore in great detail by looking at the recent report "Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On."

Link to Rebroadcast: Health Inequality
259: My Over Eating Experiment [2nd Edition] - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

My Over Eating Experiment [2nd Edition]

EP: 259

This episode is the 2nd edition, looking at an over eating experiment that I did back in 2016. I go through the experiment and what I happened to my body, I talk about calories in and calories out and update this version with new ideas since the original episode came out.

Link to 259: My Over Eating Experiment [2nd Edition]
Rebroadcast: Recovery From Orthorexia with Emily Fonnesbeck - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Recovery From Orthorexia with Emily Fonnesbeck


EP: 212

This week on the show Chris is chatting with Registered Dietician Emily Fonnesbeck. They chat about Emily's history with orthorexia and her recovery, perfectionism, infertility, adoption, working with eating disorder clients, and feeding children.

Link to Rebroadcast: Recovery From Orthorexia with Emily Fonnesbeck
Rebroadcast: Anorexia In Higher Weight Individuals with Rachel Millner - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Anorexia In Higher Weight Individuals with Rachel Millner


EP: 206

I chat with Dr. Rachel Millner - a psychologist, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist Supervisor and a certified Body Trust provider. We cover Rachel's background and own journey with eating disorder recovery and anorexia in higher weight bodies. They also cover Rachel's role as a supervisor, her work with children and families and about depression, anxiety and mental health.

Link to Rebroadcast: Anorexia In Higher Weight Individuals with Rachel Millner
258: Responsive Feeding And Creating A Healthy Feeding Relationship with Katja Rowell, MD - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Responsive Feeding And Creating A Healthy Feeding Relationship with Katja Rowell, MD

EP: 258

One of the most difficult aspects of being a parent can be mealtimes with kids. This week on the show I chat with Katja Rowell MD. Katja is a childhood feeding specialist. We cover Ellyn Satter’s Division Of Responsibility, Responsive Feeding Therapy, the frequency of feeding issues, typical eating and growth, the mechanics of eating, and the five steps for creating a healthy feeding relationship.

Link to 258: Responsive Feeding And Creating A Healthy Feeding Relationship with Katja Rowell, MD
Rebroadcast: Navigating Life as a Highly Sensitive Person with Barbara Allen - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Navigating Life as a Highly Sensitive Person with Barbara Allen


EP: 190

I sit down with Barbara Allen to dive into the topic of high sensitivity. What is it? How do you know if you are a highly sensitive person? How can we turn it into a strength?

Link to Rebroadcast: Navigating Life as a Highly Sensitive Person with Barbara Allen
257: Body Grief with Bri Campos - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Body Grief with Bri Campos

EP: 257

This week on Real Health Radio I chat with Bri Campos. We talk about body image, specifically through the lens of body grief.

Link to 257: Body Grief with Bri Campos
Rebroadcast: The Healing Potential of Psychedelics with Will Siu, MD - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Healing Potential of Psychedelics with Will Siu, MD


EP: 188

This week on Real Health Radio I sit down with Will Siu, MD to discuss the current state of the research on psychedelics as well as their therapeutic potential.

Link to Rebroadcast: The Healing Potential of Psychedelics with Will Siu, MD
256: Defeating An Eating Disorder In Midlife with Betsy Brenner - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Defeating An Eating Disorder In Midlife with Betsy Brenner

EP: 256

This week on Real Health Radio I chat with Betsy Brenner all about her memoir The Longest Match: Rallying to Defeat an Eating Disorder in Midlife. We chat about her childhood, emotional trauma, profound grief, anxiety, depression, the development of an eating disorder in her 40s and everything she did to recover.

Link to 256: Defeating An Eating Disorder In Midlife with Betsy Brenner
Rebroadcast: Recovery From An Eating Disorder - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Recovery From An Eating Disorder


EP: 148

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. This week I sit down with my former client Ilinca and we chat about her history with a restrictive eating disorder, being stuck in quasi recovery and getting her period back. We also cover what it was like working together, feeling understood and supported and Ilinca’s changing relationship with sleep, food, exercise and happiness.

Link to Rebroadcast: Recovery From An Eating Disorder
255: Eating Disorder Recovery - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Eating Disorder Recovery

EP: 255

On this episode of Real Health Radio, it is a solo show and it is all about eating disorder recovery. I cover the many aspects that make up recovery when we truly want to get at all the ways that an eating disorder infiltrates one’s life

Link to 255: Eating Disorder Recovery
Rebroadcast: Interview with Rini Frey - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Rini Frey


EP: 148

This week I talk with personal trainer turned online educator Rini Frey. We chat about her history with an eating disorder, how she healed her relationship with food, and her current work with body acceptance.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Rini Frey
254: Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Person-Focused Therapy and Eating Disorder Recovery with Dr. Colleen Reichmann - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Person-Focused Therapy and Eating Disorder Recovery with Dr. Colleen Reichmann

EP: 254

On this episode of Real Health Radio, my guest is Dr. Colleen Reichmann. We chat about Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), person-focused therapy, eating disorder recovery, motivation, harm reduction versus full recovery, the pros and cons of different levels of care, motivation and her book The Inside Scoop On Eating Disorder Recovery.

Link to 254: Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Person-Focused Therapy and Eating Disorder Recovery with Dr. Colleen Reichmann
Rebroadcast: Strained Family Relationships and Estrangement with Harriet Brown - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Strained Family Relationships and Estrangement with Harriet Brown


EP: 203

I speak with Harriet Brown about family relationships and why, sometimes, estrangement can be the healthiest option. We also discuss attachment and conditional versus unconditional parenting, and how experiences in early life have a huge impact on someone’s sense of self and self-esteem for the rest of their life.

Link to Rebroadcast: Strained Family Relationships and Estrangement with Harriet Brown
253: Body Image and Self-Worth with Summer Innanen - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Body Image and Self-Worth with Summer Innanen

EP: 253

On this episode of Real Health Radio, I'm chatting with Summer Innanen, making her third appearance on the podcast. This episode is all about body image and we cover what body image is as well as how it is connected to self-worth, confidence, emotions, feelings, dieting, exercise, body trust, comparison, and the judgement of others.

Link to 253: Body Image and Self-Worth with Summer Innanen
Rebroadcast: Interview with Dana Sturtevant - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Dana Sturtevant


EP: 149

This week I talk with RD, nutrition therapist and educator Dana Sturtevant, who is the co-founder of Be Nourished. We chat about her history studying nutrition, how she became disillusioned with the weight loss model, and her use of motivational interviewing.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Dana Sturtevant
252: MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy with Michael Mithoefer, MD - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

MDMA-Assisted Therapy with Michael Mithoefer, MD

EP: 252

On this episode of Real Health Radio, I'm chatting with Michael Mithoefer, MD, who has completed a number of clinical trials testing MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. We discuss what makes MDMA so useful, what the psychotherapy sessions look like and the remaining steps that are needed for MDMA to be reclassified again.

Link to 252: MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy with Michael Mithoefer, MD
Rebroadcast: You Have the Right to Remain Fat with Virgie Tovar - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

You Have the Right to Remain Fat with Virgie Tovar


EP: 185

I chat with Virgie about plus size fashion, fatphobia and beauty ideals, changes in book publishing, and how fat acceptance is making its way into the media

Link to Rebroadcast: You Have the Right to Remain Fat with Virgie Tovar
251: Midlife, Ageism, Recovery, Body Image and Intuitive Eating with Michelle Vina-Baltsas - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Midlife, Ageism, Recovery, Body Image and Intuitive Eating with Michelle Viña-Baltsas

EP: 251

On this episode of Real Health Radio, I'm chatting with Michelle Viña-Baltsas. We speak about Michelle's decades-long struggles with food and body and how she healed her relationship with both of them. We also talk about body image, ageism, menopause, hormonal and physical changes, exercise, self-worth, and some of the positives that Michelle has experienced through ageing.

Link to 251: Midlife, Ageism, Recovery, Body Image and Intuitive Eating with Michelle Vina-Baltsas
250: Ask Me Anything - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Ask Me Anything

EP: 250

This week Real Health Radio is celebrating its 250th episode! The show is an ASK Me Anything (AMA) episode, where I answer your questions.

Link to 250: Ask Me Anything
Rebroadcast: Interview with Vania Phitidis - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Vania Phitidis


EP: 152

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. Today’s guest interview is with Vania Phitidis.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Vania Phitidis
Rebroadcast: Being Body Positive with Connie Sobczak - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Being Body Positive with Connie Sobczak


EP: 197

I sit down with Connie Sobczak to discuss her history with an eating disorder, the death of her sister, the birth of her daughter, and how all of those things influenced her to co-found The Body Positive, an organization that works with adults and youth in a variety of settings to support positive body attitudes and self-care behaviours.

Link to Rebroadcast: Being Body Positive with Connie Sobczak
249: How To Heal From Trauma - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How To Heal From Trauma

EP: 249

On this episode of Real Health Radio, it's a solo episode all about healing from trauma. I go through many of the different healing modalities that can be used to process and heal from trauma - explaining what they are and how they work.

Link to 249: How To Heal From Trauma
248: ADHD and Eating Disorders, Muscle Dysmorphia and The Adonis Complex with Dr. Roberto Olivardia - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

ADHD and Eating Disorders, Muscle Dysmorphia and the Adonis Complex with Roberto Olivardia

EP: 248

On this episode of Real Health Radio, I'm chatting with Dr. Roberto Olivardia. We speak about ADHD, both in its connection to eating disorders and more generally. We also talk about his book The Adonis Complex, covering muscle dysmorphia and eating disorders in boys and men.

Link to 248: ADHD and Eating Disorders, Muscle Dysmorphia and The Adonis Complex with Dr. Roberto Olivardia
Rebroadcast: Interview with Kayla Rose Kotecki - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Kayla Rose Kotecki


EP: 153

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. Today’s guest interview is with Kayla Rose Kotecki.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Kayla Rose Kotecki
247: Recovery From Bulimia, Orthorexia And Extreme Dieting with Elisa Oras - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

247: Recovery From Bulimia, Orthorexia And Extreme Dieting with Elisa Oras

EP: 247

Today on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Elisa Oras. Elisa recovered from bulimia, orthorexia, and extreme dieting and we talk about her experience as well as the clients she now works with.

Link to 247: Recovery From Bulimia, Orthorexia And Extreme Dieting with Elisa Oras
Rebroadcast: The Female Menstrual Cycle [2nd Edition] - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Female Menstrual Cycle [2nd Edition]


EP: 165

This episode is the 2nd edition of a podcast I did a while back on the menstrual cycle. I review the stages of the cycle, what causes menstruation, what happens if conception occurs, and update you with some new information we’ve learned since the last episode came out.

Link to Rebroadcast: The Female Menstrual Cycle [2nd Edition]
Rebroadcast: Readiness, Motivation, and Collaborative Change in Eating Disorder Recovery with Josie Geller - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Readiness, Motivation, and Collaborative Change in Eating Disorder Recovery with Josie Geller


EP: 196

Chris talks with Josie Geller, PhD, about her research in the eating disorder field. They cover topics like predictors for success in recovery and predictors for relapse, the difference between collaborative and directive change, and the importance of self-compassion in recovery.

Link to Rebroadcast: Readiness, Motivation, and Collaborative Change in Eating Disorder Recovery with Josie Geller
246: Is Anorexia Nervosa An Anxiety Disorder with Dr. Sasha Gorrell - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Is Anorexia Nervosa An Anxiety Disorder with Dr. Sasha Gorrell

EP: 246

Today on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Dr. Sasha Gorrell. We talk about the question of is anorexia nervosa an anxiety disorder. We spend a lot of time speaking about the brain and other topics like anxiety, compulsive exercise, the microbiome, and reward and fear circuitry.

Link to 246: Is Anorexia Nervosa An Anxiety Disorder with Dr. Sasha Gorrell
Rebroadcast: Interview With Aaron Flores - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Aaron Flores


EP: 174

Today's interview is with registered dietitian nutritionist, Aaron Flores. We chat about his transition from traditional dietetics to Health At Every Size, his experience with the Body Trust Certification, and his work with body image and men.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview With Aaron Flores
245: Unapologetic Eating, Beauty Ideals, Body Grief and Self-Connection with Alissa Rumsey - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Unapologetic Eating, Beauty Ideals, Body Grief and Self-Connection with Alissa Rumsey

EP: 245

Today on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Alissa Rumsey. We talk about her book Unapologetic Eating: Make Peace With Food and Transform Your Life. We go through the four sections the book contains - fixing, allowing, feeling and growing – and cover some of the ideas and practical suggestions that are offered.

Link to 245: Unapologetic Eating, Beauty Ideals, Body Grief and Self-Connection with Alissa Rumsey
244: Eating Disorder Recovery with Emily Troscianko - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Eating Disorder Recovery with Emily Troscianko

EP: 244

On this week's episode of Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Emily Troscianko. We talk about her recovery from anorexia and then many of the topics that she has written about, like eating meat in recovery, anorexia and sex, and then research she is doing looking at reading habits and their connection with eating disorders.

Link to 244: Eating Disorder Recovery with Emily Troscianko
Rebroadcast: How Your Thinking Affects Your Health (Part 2) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How Your Thinking Affects Your Health (Part 2)


EP: 127

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio we’re talking about how your thinking can impact your physical health and cognitive performance.

Link to Rebroadcast: How Your Thinking Affects Your Health (Part 2)
243: Life Update Volume 7 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Life Update Volume 7

EP: 243

On this week's episode of Real Health Radio, I'm sharing a life update with everything that has been happening over the last 6 months or so.

Link to 243: Life Update Volume 7
Rebroadcast: The Process Of Getting Your Period Back - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Process Of Getting Your Period Back


EP: 161

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. This week I sit down with my former client Lauri and we chat about her history with disordered eating and exercise, her PCOS diagnosis, getting her period back, and what the process of working together was like.

Link to Rebroadcast: The Process Of Getting Your Period Back
242: Thriving with Denise Bossarte - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Thriving with Denise Bossarte

EP: 242

On this week's episode of Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Denise Bossarte. We talk about her book, Thriving After Sexual Abuse: Break Your Bondage To The Past And Live A Life You Love. As part of the conversation, we cover many of the activities and practices Denise has done as part of her healing journey.

Link to 242: Thriving with Denise Bossarte
241: Health At Every Size and Weight Stigma with Ragen Chastain - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Health At Every Size and Weight Stigma with Ragen Chastain

EP: 241

This week on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Ragen Chastain. We cover many topics from her book Fat: The Owner's Manual including Health At Every Size, weight stigma, weight bias in eating disorder recovery, and much more.

Link to 241: Health At Every Size and Weight Stigma with Ragen Chastain
Rebroadcast: Weight Stigma and Social Identity Threat with Dr. Jeffrey Hunger - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Weight Stigma and Social Identity Threat with Dr. Jeffrey Hunger


EP: 186

Chris sits down with Dr Jeffrey Hunger to discuss the erroneous assumptions around weight and health, social identity threat and how it's connected to weight stigma, and healthism.

Link to Rebroadcast: Weight Stigma and Social Identity Threat with Dr. Jeffrey Hunger
240: Emotion-Focused Family Therapy and Psychedelic Medicine in the Treatment of Eating Disorders with Dr. Adele Lafrance - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Emotion-Focused Family Therapy and Psychedelic Medicine in the Treatment of Eating Disorders with Dr. Adele Lafrance

EP: 240

This week on Real Health Radio, I'm speaking with Dr. Adele Lafrance. We cover Emotion-Focused Family Therapy, which she co-developed, as well as the research and practice of psychedelic medicine, where we cover ayahuasca, MDMA, psilocybin and ketamine.

Link to 240: Emotion-Focused Family Therapy and Psychedelic Medicine in the Treatment of Eating Disorders with Dr. Adele Lafrance
Rebroadcast: Eating Disorder Recovery With Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Eating Disorder Recovery With Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani


EP: 180

In today's episode, Chris chats with Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani. Their chat centers around eating disorders and being "sick enough" for treatment, orthorexia, values-driven recovery, the overlap between substance use and eating disorders, and more.

Link to Rebroadcast: Eating Disorder Recovery With Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani
239: Favourite Books and Documentaries 2021 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Favourite Books and Documentaries 2021

EP: 239

This week on Real Health Radio, I do a round up of my favourite books and documentaries of 2021.

Link to 239: Favourite Books and Documentaries 2021


Rebroadcast: What Is Intuitive Eating with Elyse Resch - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

What Is Intuitive Eating with Elyse Resch


EP: 183

In this week's episode, Chris interviews Elyse Resch about her new book, "The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens", and they review the ten principles of intuitive eating and how they've evolved over the years.

Link to Rebroadcast: What Is Intuitive Eating with Elyse Resch
238: Prolonged Exposure Therapy, PTSD and Eating Disorder Recovery - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Prolonged Exposure Therapy, PTSD and Eating Disorder Recovery

EP: 238

This week I'm looking at prolonged exposure therapy and its use in treating PTSD while also in recovery from an eating disorder. This is a discussion with an anonymous listener, who shares their journey through 11 weeks of prolonged exposure therapy.

Link to 238: Prolonged Exposure Therapy, PTSD and Eating Disorder Recovery
Rebroadcast: Interview with Paige Smathers - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Paige Smathers


EP: 150

This week on the podcast I’m speaking with Paige Smathers. We talk about her background as a dietician and one of her areas of interest: family feeding dynamics. We cover the division of responsibility and the many aspects of meal time with children.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Paige Smathers
237: Learning Intuitive Eating with Katherine Kimber - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Learning Intuitive Eating with Katherine Kimber

EP: 237

This week I'm chatting with Katherine Kimber, a UK based registered dietician. We focus on intuitive eating, looking at how Katherine uses it with clients and some of the common struggles clients have when applying intuitive eating.

Link to 237: Learning Intuitive Eating with Katherine Kimber
Rebroadcast: Interview With Marci Evans - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Marci Evans


EP: 172

This week's episode is an interview with Nutrition Therapist and Certified Eating Disorder Dietitian, Marci Evans. We chat about body image - why the language we use around it is so important, how to define it, and some ideas for improving it. We also talk about the link between digestive symptoms and eating disorders, and how hypnotherapy can help in some cases.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview With Marci Evans
Rebroadcast: Interview With Tracy Brown - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Tracy Brown


EP: 171

This week's episode is an interview with somatic nutrition therapist/dietitian, Tracy Brown. We spend most of the conversation chatting about the autonomic nervous system and Polyvagal Theory, and how this can impact sensations of hunger and fullness, or someone’s ability to decide what they want to eat.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview With Tracy Brown
Rebroadcast: Interview With Julie Duffy Dillon - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Julie Duffy Dillon


EP: 162

In this interview, I chat with dietitian and eating disorder specialist Julie Duffy DIllon. Our conversation primarily centers around PCOS - how it overlaps with eating disorders, how it's diagnosed, and how the current medical advice to deal with it needs work.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview With Julie Duffy Dillon
236: Recovery From Anorexia - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Recovery From Anorexia

EP: 236

This week I'm speaking with Jo, a client I've recently finished working with. We cover her recovery journey from the depths of anorexia and now back to health.

Link to 236: Recovery From Anorexia
235: Introversion, Highly Sensitive Persons, and Knowing Thyself with Sarah Salmon - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Introversion, Highly Sensitive Persons, and Knowing Thyself with Sarah Salmon

EP: 235

My guest this week is Sarah Salmon. We cover Sarah surviving a brain tumour, introversion, Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP), boundaries and creating a life that is aligned with who you are.

Link to 235: Introversion, Highly Sensitive Persons, and Knowing Thyself with Sarah Salmon
234: Life Update Volume 6 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Life Update Volume 6

EP: 234

This week on Real Health Radio it's a solo show and it's a personal one, where I give you an update on my life and what's been happening in 2021.

Link to 234: Life Update Volume 6
233: Polyvagal Theory, Trauma and Regulating Your Nervous System with Deb Dana - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Polyvagal Theory, Trauma and Regulating Your Nervous System with Deb Dana

EP: 233

This week's guest on the podcast is Deb Dana. As part of the show, we talk about all things polyvagal theory and how eating disorders can impact this.

Link to 233: Polyvagal Theory, Trauma and Regulating Your Nervous System with Deb Dana
Rebroadcast: Interview With Jennifer Rollin - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Jennifer Rollin


EP: 167

In this interview, I chat with therapist and eating disorder specialist Jennifer Rollin. We chat about Jennifer's history with an eating disorder as well as navigating personal relationships and intimacy in recovery, getting stuck in partial recovery, and exercises to help with body image.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview With Jennifer Rollin
Rebroadcast: Weight Stigma - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Weight Stigma


EP: 140

This week on Real Health Radio, I’m talking about weight stigma. What is it? Does it motivate people to lose weight? What impacts can it have on health?

Link to Rebroadcast: Weight Stigma
232: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Eating Disorders and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) with Dr. Lauren Muhlheim - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Eating Disorders and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) with Dr. Lauren Muhlheim

EP: 232

This week's guest on the podcast is Dr. Lauren Muhlheim. We discuss Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Eating Disorders, Family Based Therapy (FBT) for families with adolescents in recovery and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID).

Link to 232: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for Eating Disorders and Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) with Dr. Lauren Muhlheim
Rebroadcast: Interview with Charlotte Gibbs - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Interview with Charlotte Gibbs


EP: 160

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. Today's guest is Charlotte Gibbs.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Charlotte Gibbs
Rebroadcast: Interview with Rebecca Scritchfield - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Rebecca Scritchfield


EP: 157

We chat about her training as a dietician, discovering Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size, her book Body Kindness, the upward spiral, weight stigma and raising two daughters.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Rebecca Scritchfield
Rebroadcast: Interview with Jes Baker - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Jes Baker


EP: 134

This week I talk with writer, speaker, and activist Jes Baker. We talk about shame resilience, body liberation and trust, and the importance of caring for your mental health.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Jes Baker
231: The Fast Track Trial And The Obesity Collective With Louise Adams - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Fast Track Trial And The Obesity Collective With Louise Adams

EP: 231

This week's guest on the podcast is Louise Adams. We talk about how dieting doesn't work, the problems with weight loss surgery, the horrendous fast track trial in Australia and the Obesitive Collective and its connection to Novo Nordisk.

Link to 231: The Fast Track Trial And The Obesity Collective With Louise Adams
Rebroadcast: Life Expectancy - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Life Expectancy


EP: 129

This week on Real Health Radio, we’re digging into the topic of life expectancy. How has it changed, where is it heading, and why is this happening?

Link to Rebroadcast: Life Expectancy
Rebroadcast: Interview with Fiona Sutherland - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Fiona Sutherland


EP: 139

This week I talk with Australian dietitian Fiona Sutherland. We chat about body image, exercise, and her work with the Australian Ballet.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Fiona Sutherland
230: How Restriction Affects The Brain - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How Restriction Affects The Brain

EP: 230

This is a solo episode looking at how restriction and eating disorders affect the brain. I look at how the structure and function of the brain changes, the phenomenon of anosognosia and how long it takes for repair to occur.

Link to 230: How Restriction Affects The Brain
Rebroadcast: Interview with Andrea Owen - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Andrea Owen


EP: 117

This week I talk with Andrea Owen about her new book, the importance of noticing and naming your feelings and behaviours, and why knowing your values is so important.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Andrea Owen
Rebroadcast: Long-Lasting Change - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Long-Lasting Change


EP: 141

Welcome to another instalment of Real Health Radio. This week I’m sitting down with a past client to talk about what it was like working together and if long-lasting change and improvements are possible.

Link to Rebroadcast: Long-Lasting Change
229: Reykjavik’s Human Rights Policy, Weight Stigma and Eating Disorder Recovery with Sigrún Daníelsdóttir - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Reykjavik's Human Rights Policy, Weight Stigma and Eating Disorder Recovery with Sigrún Daníelsdóttir

EP: 229

This week's guest on the podcast is Sigrún Daníelsdóttir. We talk about her eating disorder and recovery from it, weight stigma and weight discrimination and how, because of Sigrun’s activism work, the City of Reykjavik updated their human rights policy to include weight as a protected category.

Link to 229: Reykjavik’s Human Rights Policy, Weight Stigma and Eating Disorder Recovery with Sigrún Daníelsdóttir
Rebroadcast: Interview with Emily Nagoski - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Emily Nagoski


EP: 146

This week I talk with author and sex educator Emily Nagoski. We chat about sexual wellbeing, the problem with calling it a “sex drive”, and how stress impacts on sexual response.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Emily Nagoski
228: Causes Of Irregular Periods And Missing Periods - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Causes Of Irregular Periods And Missing Periods

EP: 228

This week it's a solo episode looking at the many causes of irregular periods, anovulatory cycles and missing periods (hypothalamic amenorrhea).

Link to 228: Causes Of Irregular Periods And Missing Periods
Rebroadcast: Getting Your Life Back (Part 2) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Getting Your Life Back (Part 2)


EP: 128

Welcome to another instalment of Real Health Radio. This week I’m sitting down with one of my past clients to discuss what it’s been like working together and chat about how she overcame decades of dieting.

Link to Rebroadcast: Getting Your Life Back (Part 2)
227: Childhood Abuse, Shame and  Healing Through Self Compassion With Beverly Engel - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Childhood Abuse, Shame and Healing Through Self Compassion With Beverly Engel

EP: 227

This week's guest on the podcast is Beverly Engel. We talk about childhood abuse and neglect and the negative impact that this can have, with shame being a huge part of this. Self-compassion can be the antidote to shame but for someone with a history of abuse, there can be many obstacles to self-compassion. We talk about these obstacles and the ways to get past them.

Link to 227: Childhood Abuse, Shame and  Healing Through Self Compassion With Beverly Engel
226: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Minnesota Starvation Experiment

EP: 226

This week on Real Health Radio, Chris takes a deep dive into the Minnesota Starvation Experiment.

Link to 226: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment
Rebroadcast: Interview with Marya Hornbacher - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Marya Hornbacher


EP: 131

This week I talk with Marya Hornbacher about her two memoirs on eating disorders and mental health (specifically what it’s like to have bipolar), and we wrap up by chatting about the writing process and her advice for writers.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Marya Hornbacher
225: Unpacking Weight Science with Fiona Willer - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Unpacking Weight Science With Fiona Willer

EP: 225

As part of the episode, we chat about Fiona’s background and the thesis for her PhD. We talk about Fiona’s history with an eating disorder and how recovery from this helped her move from a weight loss focus to one that’s weight neutral. We also talk about The Look Ahead Study, Malnutrition at every size, overeating, cravings and bingeing and how blood biomarkers are impacted upon restriction.

Link to 225: Unpacking Weight Science with Fiona Willer
Rebroadcast: Interview with Kai Hibbard - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Kai Hibbard


EP: 144

This week I talk with social worker and body acceptance activist Kai Hibbard. We chat about her experience appearing on the third season of The Biggest Loser, what the aftermath was like, and how she became one of the show’s most vocal opponents.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Kai Hibbard
224: Red Flags Of Weight Loss Research with Jon Robison - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Red Flags Of Weight Loss Research with Jon Robison

EP: 224

We talk about Jon’s article on the 8 red flags of weight loss research. We talk about complexity, wicked problems, the social determinants of health, intrinsic motivation, and intrinsic coaching. And we chat about some of the things he is doing over at his company Salveo Partners – from writing books to doing trainings.

Link to 224: Red Flags Of Weight Loss Research with Jon Robison
Rebroadcast: Interview with Ollie Aplin - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Ollie Aplin


EP: 133

This week I talk with men’s health advocate Ollie Aplin. We talk about his journey with mental health issues and how it led him to create MindJournal, a guided journal specifically for men.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Ollie Aplin
223: Favourite Books, Documentaries, Podcasts and Music 2020 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Favourite Books, Documentaries, Podcasts and Music 2020

EP: 223

This week on Real Health Radio, Chris does a round up of his favourite books, documentaries, podcasts and music of 2020.

Link to 223: Favourite Books, Documentaries, Podcasts and Music 2020


Rebroadcast: Interview with Amber Karnes - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Amber Karnes


EP: 135

This week I talk with yoga teacher and social justice advocate Amber Karnes. We talk about yoga, it’s benefits, making it accessible, and the importance of movement, irrespective of body size/shape.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Amber Karnes
222: Ending Self-Objectification And Fostering Body Image Resilience with Lindsay Kite - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Ending Self-Objectification And Fostering Body Image Resilience with Lindsay Kite

EP: 222

Real Health Radio is back with another guest interview and Chris chats with Lindsay Kite this week. They cover self-objectification, the problems that arise from learning about 'health and fitness' from mainstream media, research on how children model their parents behaviour relating to body image and much more!

Link to 222: Ending Self-Objectification And Fostering Body Image Resilience with Lindsay Kite
Rebroadcast: Interview with Emma Louise Pudge - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Emma Louise Pudge


EP: 125

This week I talk with Emma Louise Pudge about anorexia, what causes it, and how her history with an eating disorder has impacted her life and the work she does.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Emma Louise Pudge
221: Life Update Volume 5 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Life Update Volume 5

EP: 221

This week on Real Health Radio it is a solo show and it's a personal one - a life update from Chris. A reflection on 2020.

Link to 221: Life Update Volume 5
Rebroadcast: Free Will - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Free Will


EP: 112

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio we’re digging into the topic of free will. Do we have as much as we think? Or is it a complete illusion?

Link to Rebroadcast: Free Will
220: Satisfaction From Eating - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Satisfaction From Eating

EP: 220

This week on Real Health Radio it is a solo show and we're covering everything related to satisfaction from eating. What it is, what are the component parts that make up the sensation, the difference between satisfaction and fullness, some of the fears or objections to eating satisfying meals and some of the ways you can start to practice satisfaction with eating.

Link to 220: Satisfaction From Eating
Rebroadcast: The Fiji Study - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Fiji Study


EP: 130

This week on Real Health Radio, I’m talking about the Fiji Study, which looks at how beliefs around body image are shaped by television and media we consume.

Link to Rebroadcast: The Fiji Study
219: Multicultural Culinary Arts with Veronica Garnett - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Multicultural Culinary Arts with Veronica Garnett

EP: 219

Real Health Radio is back with another guest interview and Chris is chatting with Veronica Garnett. We cover various events and aspects of Veronica's childhood that had an impact on her relationship with her body and with food, her training as a dietician and how her real desire was to go to culinary school, Veronica's anxiety and the ways that she deals with it and the different businesses that Veronica runs – her own dietician practice, Diasporadical Kitchen and Black Adventuristas.

Link to 219: Multicultural Culinary Arts with Veronica Garnett
Rebroadcast: How Your Thinking Affects Your Health - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How Your Thinking Affects Your Health


EP: 102

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio we’re talking about how your thinking and body image can impact your physical health.

Link to Rebroadcast: How Your Thinking Affects Your Health
218: Living With A Chronic Illness, Disability and Body Acceptance with Anna Sweeney - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Living With A Chronic Illness, Disability and Body Acceptance with Anna Sweeney

EP: 218

This week on Real Health Radio it's another guest interview and Chris is chatting with Anna Sweeney. They chat about her diagnosis with MS at age 15 and how this has impacted on her life. They cover disability, body acceptance, eating disorder recovery and Instagram.

Link to 218: Living With A Chronic Illness, Disability and Body Acceptance with Anna Sweeney
217: Healing From Abuse and Accepting Your Body with Victoria Welsby - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Healing From Abuse and Accepting Your Body with Victoria Welsby

EP: 217

This week on Real Health Radio, Chris is chatting with Victoria Welsby. They chat about Victoria's past and difficulties and the different therapies, jobs and experiences that helped her to turn her life around, including CBT and EMDR. They also discuss Victoria's TEDx talk, appearing on a BBC Documentary and the similarities between cults and diet culture.

Link to 217: Healing From Abuse and Accepting Your Body with Victoria Welsby
Rebroadcast: Interview with Tabitha Farrar - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Tabitha Farrar


EP: 132

This week I talk with eating disorder recovery coach and author Tabitha Farrar. We cover the migration theory for anorexia, nutritional rehabilitation, neural rewiring, energy debt, various symptoms of malnutrition, different types of restriction and lots more.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Tabitha Farrar
216: The Eating Instinct with Virginia Sole-Smith - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Eating Instinct with Virginia Sole-Smith

EP: 216

This week on Real Health Radio, Chris is chatting with Virginia Sole-Smith. They chat about her book The Eating Instinct, her daughter Violet relearning how to eat after a life saving operation at age one month, and the myth of the sugar high.

Link to 216: The Eating Instinct with Virginia Sole-Smith
Rebroadcast: Weight Set Point Theory - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Weight Set Point Theory


EP: 114

We’re talking about weight set point theory on this week’s episode of Real Health Radio. What is it? How does our body determine our set point? How does it keep us there?

Link to Rebroadcast: Weight Set Point Theory
215: Fat Positive Fertility with Nicola Salmon - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Fat Positive Fertility with Nicola Salmon

EP: 215

On this week's episode Real Health Radio, Chris is chatting with Nicola Salmon. Nicola is a fat-positive fertility coach and author of “Fat and Fertile” and the conversation focuses on all things fertility, conception and pregnancy.

Link to 215: Fat Positive Fertility with Nicola Salmon
214: Understanding Restriction - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Restriction

EP: 214

This week on the show it is a solo episode where we look at the topic of restriction. Restriction can take many forms but is at the heart of the struggles of nearly every person Seven Health works with. It's a big topic that Chris shares his thoughts on.

Link to 214: Understanding Restriction
213: Interview with Kristina Bruce - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Body Acceptance with Kristina Bruce

EP: 213

This week on the show Chris chats with Kristina Bruce, a Certified Body Trust Provider and Integrative Life Coach. They chat about body acceptance, Byron Katie's The Work, Kristina's personal journey with disordered eating recovery and acceptance of her body, ayahuasca and more. This is a particularly practical episode with lots to take away.

Link to 213: Interview with Kristina Bruce
212: Recovery From Orthorexia with Emily Fonnesbeck - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Recovery From Orthorexia with Emily Fonnesbeck

EP: 212

This week on the show Chris is chatting with Registered Dietician Emily Fonnesbeck. They chat about Emily's history with orthorexia and her recovery, perfectionism, infertility, adoption, working with eating disorder clients, and feeding children.

Link to 212: Recovery From Orthorexia with Emily Fonnesbeck
211: Recovery From An Eating Disorder (Part 2) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Recovery From An Eating Disorder (Part 2)

EP: 211

This week on Real Health Radio, Chris chats with Hermione, a client he’s been working with for the last year. They talk about Hermione’s history with an eating disorder, over-exercising and body image concerns. They cover what it was like working together, finally being able to open up about her struggles, and Hermione’s changing relationship with food, exercise and her body.

Link to 211: Recovery From An Eating Disorder (Part 2)
210: Interview with Karen Ricks - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

World Travel And The Joy Of Cooking With Karen Ricks

EP: 210

Chris chats with Karen Ricks - Founder of Our Kitchen Classroom, Worldschooler and Montessorian. They cover playful movement, HAES, Body positivity, Karen's healing journey around food and the beauty of learning about life, geography and culture through food play. They also discuss Worldschooling and the intrinsic curiosity of children and how they can be great teachers of how to be in the world.

Link to 210: Interview with Karen Ricks
209: Health Inequality - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Health Inequality

EP: 209

This week on the show it is a solo episode where we look at the topic of Health Inequalities. It's so common when talking about health to focus on "choices" and "personal responsibility" and that "health is in your own hands". But the truth of the matter is that at a population level, health is most directly connected to where you live and socioeconomics. Something we explore in great detail by looking at the recent report "Health Equity in England: The Marmot Review 10 Years On."

Link to 209: Health Inequality
208: Recovery From An Eating Disorder - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Recovery From An Eating Disorder

EP: 208

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. This week I sit down with my former client Ilinca and we chat about her history with a restrictive eating disorder, being stuck in quasi recovery and getting her period back. We also cover what it was like working together, feeling understood and supported and Ilinca’s changing relationship with sleep, food, exercise and happiness.

Link to 208: Recovery From An Eating Disorder
207: Ask Me Anything – Number 2 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

207: Ask Me Anything - Number 2

EP: 207

Our second AMA (ask me anything) with our founder, Chris. We answer questions regarding Chris's favourite foods, HAES, compulsive movement, eating when ill, inflammatory foods and reactions, metabolic syndrome and restriction, fear of weight gain, food and exercise when pregnant, the Writing Club, what Chris has learned from the civil rights movement, psychedelic-assisted therapy, what Chris is reading and more!

Link to 207: Ask Me Anything – Number 2
206: Anorexia In Higher Weight Individuals with Rachel Millner - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Anorexia In Higher Weight Individuals with Rachel Millner

EP: 206

Chris chats with Dr. Rachel Millner - a psychologist, Certified Eating Disorder Specialist Supervisor and a certified Body Trust provider. Chris and Rachel cover Rachel's background and own journey with eating disorder recovery and anorexia in higher weight bodies. They also cover Rachel's role as a supervisor, her work with children and families and about depression, anxiety and mental health.

Link to 206: Anorexia In Higher Weight Individuals with Rachel Millner
205: Bodies, Sexuality, and Self with Sonalee Rashatwar - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Bodies, Sexuality, and Self with Sonalee Rashatwar

EP: 205

Lu chats with social worker and sex therapist Sonalee Rashatwar about non-consensual childhood dieting, fatphobia, touch deprivation, body image, sexual preference, and more.

Link to 205: Bodies, Sexuality, and Self with Sonalee Rashatwar
204: Keys To Recovery from An Eating Disorder with Carolyn Costin - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Keys To Recovery from An Eating Disorder with Carolyn Costin

EP: 204

Chris sits down with renowned clinician, author, and speaker Carolyn Costin to talk about eating disorder recovery. Using Carolyn's book, 8 Keys To Recovery From An Eating Disorder, as a basis for the conversation, they share their knowledge, experience, and ideas for how to implement the key principles.

Link to 204: Keys To Recovery from An Eating Disorder with Carolyn Costin
203: Strained Family Relationships and Estrangement with Harriet Brown - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Strained Family Relationships and Estrangement with Harriet Brown

EP: 203

Chris interviews Harriet Brown about family relationships and why, sometimes, estrangement can be the healthiest option. They also discuss attachment and conditional versus unconditional parenting, and how experiences in early life have a huge impact on someone’s sense of self and self-esteem for the rest of their life.

Link to 203: Strained Family Relationships and Estrangement with Harriet Brown
202: Body Liberation and Photography with Lindley Ashline - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Body Liberation and Photography with Lindley Ashline

EP: 202

Lu sits down with photographer Lindley Ashline to chat about weight stigma, size-inclusive photography, the benefits of exposure in body acceptance work, access, equity, and support for all bodies.

Link to 202: Body Liberation and Photography with Lindley Ashline
201: Life Update Volume 4 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Life Update Volume 4

EP: 201

A quick personal update where Chris shares what's been happening in his life lately. From how he's dealing with COVID to postponing his wedding to having to move out when his house flooded, 2020 has been an eventful year.

Link to 201: Life Update Volume 4
200: Ask Me Anything - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

200 Episodes: Ask Me Anything

EP: 200

We're celebrating 200 episodes of the podcast with an AMA (ask me anything) with our founder, Chris. We answer questions regarding body image, fasting, gentle nutrition, the anti-HAES community, if “full recovery” is possible, mental health and anxiety, along with some interesting personal questions.

Link to 200: Ask Me Anything
199: 300 Pounds and Running with Martinus Evans - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

300 Pounds and Running with Martinus Evans

EP: 199

This week, Lu interviews plus-sized runner Martinus Evans. They talk about the myth of the "runner's body," his journey to body acceptance and self love, what frustrates Martinus most about racing, why he chose to do a naked photoshoot, and where you can go to find a running community that’s not fixated on size or speed.

Link to 199: 300 Pounds and Running with Martinus Evans
198: Psychedelics and Anorexia Nervosa with Dr. Natalie Gukasyan - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Psychedelics and Anorexia Nervosa with Dr. Natalie Gukasyan

EP: 198

Chris sits down with Dr. Natalie Gukasyan to discuss her work in the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic & Consciousness Research. They chat about the potential of psilocybin to help with mental illness and dive into detail on the study she's conducting on psilocybin and anorexia nervosa.

Link to 198: Psychedelics and Anorexia Nervosa with Dr. Natalie Gukasyan
Introducing The Writing Club - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Introducing The Writing Club


Here at Seven Health, we are releasing a new program called The Writing Club. It is a 10-week group program designed to foster learning and healing in a collaborative environment through writing. This episode gives details about the program.

Link to Introducing The Writing Club
197: Being Body Positive with Connie Sobczak - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Being Body Positive with Connie Sobczak

EP: 197

Chris sits down with Connie Sobczak to discuss her history with an eating disorder, the death of her sister, the birth of her daughter, and how all of those things influenced her to co-found The Body Positive, an organization that works with adults and youth in a variety of settings to support positive body attitudes and self-care behaviors.

Link to 197: Being Body Positive with Connie Sobczak
196: Readiness, Motivation, and Collaborative Change in Eating Disorder Recovery with Josie Geller - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Readiness, Motivation, and Collaborative Change in Eating Disorder Recovery with Josie Geller

EP: 196

Chris talks with Josie Geller, PhD, about her research in the eating disorder field. They cover topics like predictors for success in recovery and predictors for relapse, the difference between collaborative and directive change, and the importance of self-compassion in recovery.

Link to 196: Readiness, Motivation, and Collaborative Change in Eating Disorder Recovery with Josie Geller
195: Plus Size Pregnancy with Jen McLellan - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Plus Size Pregnancy with Jen McLellan

EP: 195

Lu interviews Jen McLellan of Plus Mommy to talk about the stigmatization of people in larger bodies during pregnancy, finding size friendly care providers, exploring pregnancy care options, myth busting misconceptions, self-advocacy, and relative vs. actual risk.

Link to 195: Plus Size Pregnancy with Jen McLellan
194: Disability, Poverty, and Fat Acceptance With Denarii Grace - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Disability, Poverty, and Fat Acceptance With Denarii Grace

EP: 194

In today's episode, Chris talks with Denarii Grace about weight stigma and disability, the reality of being poor and how it affects food choices, and white supremacy and fatphobia.

Link to 194: Disability, Poverty, and Fat Acceptance With Denarii Grace
Bonus: Coping During the Coronavirus with Jennifer Rollin - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Coping During the Coronavirus with Jennifer Rollin


Today, Chris chats with Jennifer Rollin about the ways in which coronavirus can be uniquely challenging for those in eating disorder recovery, along with practical tips and strategies for coping.

Link to Bonus: Coping During the Coronavirus with Jennifer Rollin
193: How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 2 (2nd Edition) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 2 (2nd Edition)

EP: 193

In part two of his series on sleep, Chris explores all the different ways we can get better sleep - including optimizing your light exposure, energy intake, pre-bedtime routine, bedroom setup, and more.

Link to 193: How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 2 (2nd Edition)
192: How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 1 (2nd Edition) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 1 (2nd Edition)

EP: 192

In today's solo episode, Chris dives into the science behind sleep. Why do we do it? How much should we be getting? What's a sleep chronotype and why should you know yours? How does circadian rhythm work? Is our sleep quality good enough? This podcast answers all these questions and more.

Link to 192: How To Improve Your Sleep, Pt. 1 (2nd Edition)
191: How The Hell Did I Get Here? - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How The Hell Did I Get Here?

EP: 191

In this solo episode, Lu explains how to understand your relationship with food and body. If you're not sure how you got to where you are, Lu's got answers for you - along with examples and suggestions to help you get to the root of your food and body struggles and begin healing from the ground up.

Link to 191: How The Hell Did I Get Here?
190: Navigating Life as a Highly Sensitive Person with Barbara Allen - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Navigating Life as a Highly Sensitive Person with Barbara Allen

EP: 190

Chris sits down with Barbara Allen to dive into the topic of high sensitivity. What is it? How do you know if you are a highly sensitive person? How can we turn it into a strength?

Link to 190: Navigating Life as a Highly Sensitive Person with Barbara Allen
189: Weight-Neutral Diabetes Care with Glenys Oyston - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Weight-Neutral Diabetes Care with Glenys Oyston

EP: 189

Chris interviews RD Glenys Oyston about her work with the VA and how to manage diabetes with a plan that doesn't include weight loss.

Link to 189: Weight-Neutral Diabetes Care with Glenys Oyston
Bonus Episode: Initial Thoughts On The Coronavirus - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Initial Thoughts On The Coronavirus


In today’s solo episode, Chris chats about the COVID-19 pandemic, the pseudoscience and diet culture messaging surrounding it, and challenges it poses for those in recovery.

Link to Bonus Episode: Initial Thoughts On The Coronavirus
188: The Healing Potential of Psychedelics with Will Siu, MD - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Healing Potential of Psychedelics with Will Siu, MD

EP: 188

This week on Real Health Radio I sit down with Will Siu, MD to discuss the current state of the research on psychedelics as well as their therapeutic potential.

Link to 188: The Healing Potential of Psychedelics with Will Siu, MD
187: Diverse and Inclusive Fitness with Chrissy King - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Diverse and Inclusive Fitness with Chrissy King

EP: 187

Lu talks to Chrissy King about the need for more diverse and inclusive wellness spaces, how to distinguish between internal and externally-influenced beliefs, how we can (and need to) to reduce stigma in the fitness space, and much more.

Link to 187: Diverse and Inclusive Fitness with Chrissy King
186: Weight Stigma and Social Identity Threat with Dr. Jeffrey Hunger - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Weight Stigma and Social Identity Threat with Dr. Jeffrey Hunger

EP: 186

Chris sits down with Dr Jeffrey Hunger to discuss the erroneous assumptions around weight and health, social identity threat and how it's connected to weight stigma, and healthism.

Link to 186: Weight Stigma and Social Identity Threat with Dr. Jeffrey Hunger
185: You Have the Right to Remain Fat with Virgie Tovar - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

You Have the Right to Remain Fat with Virgie Tovar

EP: 185

Chris chats with Virgie about plus size fashion, fatphobia and beauty ideals, changes in book publishing, and how fat acceptance is making its way into the media

Link to 185: You Have the Right to Remain Fat with Virgie Tovar
184: Storytelling and Taking Up Space with Sarah Stevens - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Storytelling and Taking Up Space with Sarah Stevens

EP: 184

This week on the podcast, Lu sits down with Sarah Stevens to talk about telling our own stories - why speaking up about our shame, our secrets, and our self-reflections is such a powerful force.

Link to 184: Storytelling and Taking Up Space with Sarah Stevens
183: What Is Intuitive Eating with Elyse Resch - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

What Is Intuitive Eating with Elyse Resch

EP: 183

In this week's episode, Chris interviews Elyse Resch about her new book, "The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens", and they review the ten principles of intuitive eating and how they've evolved over the years.

Link to 183: What Is Intuitive Eating with Elyse Resch
Rebroadcast: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment Follow Up - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Minnesota Starvation Experiment Follow Up

EP: 147

This week on Real Health Radio, Chris is taking a second look at the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. He’s found two new papers interviewing the subjects and he reviews all of the new information.

Link to Rebroadcast: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment Follow Up
181: The Power of Self-Compassion with Dr. Kristin Neff - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Power of Self-Compassion with Dr. Kristin Neff

EP: 181

In today's episode, Lu sits down with Dr. Kristin Neff to talk all things self-compassion. What is it? What are the benefits? Why is it so much easier to have compassion for friends than for ourselves? How can we get better at it?

Link to 181: The Power of Self-Compassion with Dr. Kristin Neff
180: Eating Disorder Recovery With Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Eating Disorder Recovery With Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani

EP: 180

In today's episode, Chris chats with Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani. Their chat centers around eating disorders and being "sick enough" for treatment, orthorexia, values-driven recovery, the overlap between substance use and eating disorders, and more.

Link to 180: Eating Disorder Recovery With Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani
179: Favourite Books, Documentaries, Podcasts, and Music 2019 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Favourite Books, Documentaries, Podcasts, and Music 2019

EP: 179

My annual show where I review my favorite books, movies, podcasts, and music of 2019.

Link to 179: Favourite Books, Documentaries, Podcasts, and Music 2019


Rebroadcast: Getting Your Life Back - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Getting Your Life Back

EP: 126

Welcome to another installment of Real Health Radio. This week I’m sitting down with one of my past clients to discuss what it’s been like working together and chat about how far she’s come.

Link to Rebroadcast: Getting Your Life Back
178: Interview With Summer Innanen - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Summer Innanen

EP: 178

Today's episode is an interview with Summer Innanen. We chat about all things parenthood, untangling self-worth from career success, and building an online business.

Link to 178: Interview With Summer Innanen
176: Interview With Lu Uhrich [New Practitioner] - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Lu Uhrich

EP: 176

Today's interview is with one of Seven Health's new practitioners: Lu Uhrich! During our chat, Lu shares her personal story, details about the trainings she's done, and goes in-depth about how she works with clients.

Link to 176: Interview With Lu Uhrich [New Practitioner]
175: Seven Health Update - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Seven Health Update

EP: 175

Seven Health is growing! Today’s episode is an update on the hiring process and what you can expect from us in the future.

Link to 175: Seven Health Update
174: Interview With Aaron Flores - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Aaron Flores

EP: 174

Today's interview is with registered dietitian nutritionist, Aaron Flores. We chat about his transition from traditional dietetics to Health At Every Size, his experience with the Body Trust Certification, and his work with body image and men.

Link to 174: Interview With Aaron Flores
173: Interview With Alan Flanagan - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Alan Flanagan

EP: 173

This week's episode is an interview with PhD candidate, Alan Flanagan. This wide-ranging interview touches on the differences between biomedical science and nutrition, the problem with many so-called nutrition "experts", what happens when your beliefs become your identity, and the challenges of making nutrition recommendations at the population level.

Link to 173: Interview With Alan Flanagan
172: Interview With Marci Evans - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Marci Evans

EP: 172

This week's episode is an interview with Nutrition Therapist and Certified Eating Disorder Dietitian, Marci Evans. We chat about body image - why the language we use around it is so important, how to define it, and some ideas for improving it. We also talk about the link between digestive symptoms and eating disorders, and how hypnotherapy can help in some cases.

Link to 172: Interview With Marci Evans
171: Interview With Tracy Brown - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Tracy Brown

EP: 171

This week's episode is an interview with somatic nutrition therapist/dietitian, Tracy Brown. We spend most of the conversation chatting about the autonomic nervous system and Polyvagal Theory, and how this can impact sensations of hunger and fullness, or someone’s ability to decide what they want to eat.

Link to 171: Interview With Tracy Brown
170: Interview With Kaila Tova - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Kaila Tova

EP: 170

This week's episode is a wide-ranging conversation with future PhD, Kaila Tova. We chat about brand and personal branding, entrepreneurship and the hyperbole and exaggerations being made about how easy it is to run your own business and to make money online. We also cover what it’s like to have an identity online that you realise you now no longer believe in.

Link to 170: Interview With Kaila Tova
169: We’re Hiring - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

We're Hiring

EP: 169

Seven Health is hiring for a nutrition practitioner and today’s podcast is all about the position – what it entails, who would be a good fit, and how to apply.

Link to 169: We’re Hiring
168: Interview With Renee McGregor - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Renee McGregor

EP: 168

This week I chat with sports and eating disorder specialist dietitian, Renee McGregor. We cover RED-S, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, and orthorexia. We also dive into Renee's history with an eating disorder, which she hasn't discussed publicly before now.

Link to 168: Interview With Renee McGregor
Rebroadcast: Interview with Andrea LaMarre - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Andrea LaMarre


EP: 086

This week I interview Andrea LaMarre. We talk about eating disorders, treatment approaches, the science & research involved, double standards & gender.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Andrea LaMarre
167: Interview With Jennifer Rollin - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Jennifer Rollin

EP: 167

In this interview, I chat with therapist and eating disorder specialist Jennifer Rollin. We chat about Jennifer's history with an eating disorder as well as navigating personal relationships and intimacy in recovery, getting stuck in partial recovery, and exercises to help with body image.

Link to 167: Interview With Jennifer Rollin
Rebroadcast: Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke


EP: 006

In today’s episode of Real Health Radio I talk to Isabel Foxen Duke about body image, weight, emotional eating and much more.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke
166: Using a Food Log [2nd Edition] - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Using a Food Log

EP: 166

Today’s show is a 2nd edition of one of my most popular episodes – all about food logs. I cover what to track, how to analyse it, and the benefits you can get from using them. I also discuss ways my thinking has changed over the years in terms of what and how I track certain things.

Link to 166: Using a Food Log [2nd Edition]
Rebroadcast: Interview with Nicola Rinaldi - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Nicola Rinaldi


EP: 063

Today on the show my guest is Nicola Rinaldi. We talk about reproductive hormones and hypothalamic amenorrhea.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Nicola Rinaldi
165: The Female Menstrual Cycle [2nd Edition] - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Female Menstrual Cycle

EP: 165

This episode is the 2nd edition of a podcast I did a while back on the menstrual cycle. I review the stages of the cycle, what causes menstruation, what happens if conception occurs, and update you with some new information we’ve learned since the last episode came out.

Link to 165: The Female Menstrual Cycle [2nd Edition]
Rebroadcast: Interview with Dr Bryan Walsh - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Dr Bryan Walsh


EP: 091

This week I interview Dr. Bryan Walsh. We discuss traditional vs. alternative medicine, immunity & Th1 vs. Th2 dominance, adrenal issues & mental outlook.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Dr Bryan Walsh
164: Health Outside Of Weight Loss - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Health Outside Of Weight Loss

EP: 164

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. This week I sit down with my former client Claudette and we chat about her history with dieting and weight loss. We chat about what it was like working together, examining her beliefs about herself and her weight and how that changed how she felt.

Link to 164: Health Outside Of Weight Loss
163: The Complexity Of Health - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Complexity Of Health

EP: 163

Diving into the complexity of factors that determine someone's health and why some people have such an easy time while others have seemingly every obstacle stacked against them.

Link to 163: The Complexity Of Health
162: Interview With Julie Duffy Dillon - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview With Julie Duffy Dillon

EP: 162

In this interview, I chat with dietitian and eating disorder specialist Julie Duffy DIllon. Our conversation primarily centers around PCOS - how it overlaps with eating disorders, how it's diagnosed, and how the current medical advice to deal with it needs work.

Link to 162: Interview With Julie Duffy Dillon
161: The Process Of Getting Your Period Back - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Process Of Getting Your Period Back

EP: 161

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. This week I sit down with my former client Lauri and we chat about her history with disordered eating and exercise, her PCOS diagnosis, getting her period back, and what the process of working together was like.

Link to 161: The Process Of Getting Your Period Back
160: Interview with Charlotte Gibbs - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Charlotte Gibbs

EP: 160

Welcome back to another episode of Real Health Radio. Today's guest is Charlotte Gibbs.

Link to 160: Interview with Charlotte Gibbs
159: Understanding Carbohydrates (Addendum) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Carbohydrates (Addendum)

EP: 159

A few weeks ago, I released an updated podcast on carbohydrates.

Link to 159: Understanding Carbohydrates (Addendum)
158: Interview with Vania Phitidis - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Vania Phitidis

EP: 158

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. Today’s guest interview is with Vania Phitidis.

Link to 158: Interview with Vania Phitidis
157: Interview with Rebecca Scritchfield - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Rebecca Scritchfield

EP: 157

We chat about her training as a dietician, discovering Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size, her book Body Kindness, the upward spiral, weight stigma and raising two daughters.

Link to 157: Interview with Rebecca Scritchfield
Rebroadcast: Interview with Chris Masterjohn - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Chris Masterjohn


EP: 078

This week on the show I’m interviewing Chris Masterjohn. We chat about leaving academia, vitamin K2, oxidants and antioxidants.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Chris Masterjohn
156: Understanding Carbohydrates (2nd Edition) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Carbohydrates (2nd Edition)

EP: 156

This week’s episode of Real Health Radio is all about carbohydrates.

Link to 156: Understanding Carbohydrates (2nd Edition)
Rebroadcast: Interview with Rachel Foy - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Rachel Foy


EP: 064

On today’s show I interview Rachel Foy. We talk about crazy weight loss attempts, weddings, hiding behind food issues and stress eating.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Rachel Foy
155: Interview with Stephanie Dankelson - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Stephanie Dankelson

EP: 155

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. Today’s guest interview is with Stephanie Dankelson.

Link to 155: Interview with Stephanie Dankelson
Rebroadcast: Interview with Kaila Prins - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Kaila Prins


EP: 038

Today’s guest on the podcast is Kaila Prins. We talk about eating disorders, full recovery versus recovered enough, burlesque, media literacy and much more.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Kaila Prins
154: Life Update Volume 3 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Life Update Volume 3

EP: 154

Welcome back to Real Health Radio.

Link to 154: Life Update Volume 3
153: Interview with Kayla Rose Kotecki - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Kayla Rose Kotecki

EP: 153

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. Today’s guest interview is with Kayla Rose Kotecki.

Link to 153: Interview with Kayla Rose Kotecki
152: Interview with Ivy Felicia - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Ivy Felicia

EP: 152

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. This week’s episode is an interview, and today’s guest is Ivy Felicia.

Link to 152: Interview with Ivy Felicia
Rebroadcast: Interview with Lu Uhrich - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Lu Uhrich


EP: 055

Welcome to another installment of Real Health Radio. Today I’m speaking to Lu Uhrich.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Lu Uhrich
151: Interview with Dean Burnett - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Dean Burnett

EP: 151

This week’s guest on the podcast is Dean Burnett.

Link to 151: Interview with Dean Burnett
150: Interview with Paige Smathers - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Paige Smathers

EP: 150

This week on the podcast I’m speaking with Paige Smathers. We talk about her background as a dietician and one of her areas of interest: family feeding dynamics. We cover the division of responsibility and the many aspects of meal time with children.

Link to 150: Interview with Paige Smathers
Rebroadcast: Understanding Detoxification - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Detoxification


EP: 027

On today’s podcast I look at how detoxification works, the organs involved, why most “detoxes” don’t work, and what to do help with detoxification.

Link to Rebroadcast: Understanding Detoxification
149: Interview with Dana Sturtevant - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Dana Sturtevant

EP: 149

This week I talk with RD, nutrition therapist and educator Dana Sturtevant, who is the co-founder of Be Nourished. We chat about her history studying nutrition, how she became disillusioned with the weight loss model, and her use of motivational interviewing.

Link to 149: Interview with Dana Sturtevant
Rebroadcast: Interview with Krista Scott-Dixon - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Krista Scott-Dixon


EP: 048

On the show I interview Krista Scott-Dixon. We look at what it means to be a coach, habit formation, Precision Nutrition, being realistic and lots more.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Krista Scott-Dixon
148: Interview with Rini Frey - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Rini Frey

EP: 148

Welcome back to Real Health Radio. Today’s guest interview is with Rini Frey.

Link to 148: Interview with Rini Frey
147: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment Follow Up - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Minnesota Starvation Experiment Follow Up

EP: 147

This week on Real Health Radio, I’m taking a second look at the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. I’ve found two new papers interviewing the subjects and I review all of the new information.

Link to 147: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment Follow Up
Rebroadcast: The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Study - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Study


EP: 085

The ACE study was done nearly 20 years ago but too few people know of it. It looks at how childhood trauma affects health and behaviours later in life.

Link to Rebroadcast: The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Study
146: Interview with Emily Nagoski - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Emily Nagoski

EP: 146

This week I talk with author and sex educator Emily Nagoski. We chat about sexual wellbeing, the problem with calling it a “sex drive”, and how stress impacts on sexual response.

Link to 146: Interview with Emily Nagoski
145: A Day in my Life [2019 Edition] - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

A Day in my Life [2019 Edition]

EP: 145

Back in November 2015 I released episode 15 of the podcast called A Day In My Life. It I detailed what my days look like: when I wake and go to sleep, what I eat, how I structure my day, what are my exercise and movement habits, and so on.

Link to 145: A Day in my Life [2019 Edition]
144: Interview with Kai Hibbard - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Kai Hibbard

EP: 144

This week I talk with social worker and body acceptance activist Kai Hibbard. We chat about her experience appearing on the third season of The Biggest Loser, what the aftermath was like, and how she became one of the show’s most vocal opponents.

Link to 144: Interview with Kai Hibbard
143: Interview with Florence Gillet - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Florence Gillet

EP: 143

This week I talk with my former client and current eating psychology coach Florence Gillet. We chat about what it was like working with me, what inspired her to become a coach, and how her children inspired her in her recovery.

Link to 143: Interview with Florence Gillet
142: Interview with David McRaney - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with David McRaney

EP: 142

This week I talk with author and the host of the podcast “You Are Not So Smart”, David McRaney. We chat about how we aren’t as rational as we think we are, biases, social media, and how to change people’s minds.

Link to 142: Interview with David McRaney
141: Long-Lasting Change - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Long-Lasting Change

EP: 141

Welcome to another instalment of Real Health Radio. This week I’m sitting down with a past client to talk about what it was like working together and if long-lasting change and improvements are possible.

Link to 141: Long-Lasting Change
140: Weight Stigma - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Weight Stigma

EP: 140

This week on Real Health Radio, I’m talking about weight stigma. What is it? Does it motivate people to lose weight? What impacts can it have on health?

Link to 140: Weight Stigma
139: Interview with Fiona Sutherland - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Fiona Sutherland

EP: 139

This week I talk with Australian dietitian Fiona Sutherland. We chat about body image, exercise, and her work with the Australian Ballet.

Link to 139: Interview with Fiona Sutherland
138: Favourite Books, Documentaries and Podcasts 2018 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Favourite Books, Documentaries and Podcasts 2018

EP: 138

My annual show where, I go through my favourite books, documentaries and podcasts of the last year.

Link to 138: Favourite Books, Documentaries and Podcasts 2018


Rebroadcast: Interview with Christy Harrison - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Christy Harrison


EP: 061

On this week’s show I have Christy Harrison. She tells her story of disordered eating, codependent relationships, becoming a dietician, HAES and much more.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Christy Harrison
Rebroadcast: Understanding Energy Flux - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Energy Flux


EP: 087

Energy flux in the context of your life. I explain what it is, why it’s important and the major factors in your daily life influencing energy flux.

Link to Rebroadcast: Understanding Energy Flux
137: Interview with Sarah Rzemieniak - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Sarah Rzemieniak

EP: 137

This week I talk with certified eating disorder recovery coach Sarah Rzemieniak. We chat about her personal journey through recovery, what was helpful in getting in her there, and why she decided to become a coach.

Link to 137: Interview with Sarah Rzemieniak
Rebroadcast: Interview with Virgie Tovar - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Virgie Tovar


EP: 022

On this week’s show I speak to Virgie Tovar, author and one of the USA’s leading experts and lecturers on fat discrimination and body image.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Virgie Tovar
136: Interview with Rupert Pugsley - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Rupert Pugsley

EP: 136

This week I talk with psychology student and researcher Rupert Pugsley. We talk about authenticity, trust, imposter phenomenon, and how to get better at all of them.

Link to 136: Interview with Rupert Pugsley
Rebroadcast: Cravings and Food Addiction - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Cravings and Food Addiction


EP: 005

Is sugar so addictive that you become powerless to its pull? Does eating fast food get you hooked like heroin? Let’s look at food addiction and cravings.

Link to Rebroadcast: Cravings and Food Addiction
135: Interview with Amber Karnes - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Amber Karnes

EP: 135

This week I talk with yoga teacher and social justice advocate Amber Karnes. We talk about yoga, it’s benefits, making it accessible, and the importance of movement, irrespective of body size/shape.

Link to 135: Interview with Amber Karnes
134: Interview with Jes Baker - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Jes Baker

EP: 134

This week I talk with writer, speaker, and activist Jes Baker. We talk about shame resilience, body liberation and trust, and the importance of caring for your mental health.

Link to 134: Interview with Jes Baker
133: Interview with Ollie Aplin - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Ollie Aplin

EP: 133

This week I talk with men’s health advocate Ollie Aplin. We talk about his journey with mental health issues and how it led him to create MindJournal, a guided journal specifically for men.

Link to 133: Interview with Ollie Aplin
132: Interview with Tabitha Farrar - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Tabitha Farrar

EP: 132

This week I talk with eating disorder recovery coach and author Tabitha Farrar. We cover the migration theory for anorexia, nutritional rehabilitation, neural rewiring, energy debt, various symptoms of malnutrition, different types of restriction and lots more.

Link to 132: Interview with Tabitha Farrar
131: Interview with Marya Hornbacher - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Marya Hornbacher

EP: 131

This week I talk with Marya Hornbacher about her two memoirs on eating disorders and mental health (specifically what it’s like to have bipolar), and we wrap up by chatting about the writing process and her advice for writers.

Link to 131: Interview with Marya Hornbacher
Rebroadcast: Understanding Exercise and Fitness - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Exercise and Fitness


EP: 090

How exercise benefits us, hormesis, and major factors that determine these benefits. Signs of overtraining & movement that is the most supportive of health.

Link to Rebroadcast: Understanding Exercise and Fitness
130: The Fiji Study - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Fiji Study

EP: 130

This week on Real Health Radio, I’m talking about the Fiji Study, which looks at how beliefs around body image are shaped by television and media we consume.

Link to 130: The Fiji Study
Rebroadcast: Understanding Fluid Intake and Urination - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Fluid Intake and Urination


EP: 056

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio we look at fluid intake and urination. How much to drink? How often to go? What other factors impact hydration?

Link to Rebroadcast: Understanding Fluid Intake and Urination
Rebroadcast: Understanding Stools - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Stools


EP: 067

This episode of Real Health Radio is all about stools. How often you should go, what they should look like, what they’re made of and much more.

Link to Rebroadcast: Understanding Stools
Rebroadcast: How to Improve Your Sleep - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How to Improve Your Sleep


EP: 017

When looking to create health, the importance of sleep is one aspect that’s often neglected. In this show I give tips for how to improve your sleep.

Link to Rebroadcast: How to Improve Your Sleep
129: Life Expectancy - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Life Expectancy

EP: 129

This week on Real Health Radio, we’re digging into the topic of life expectancy. How has it changed, where is it heading, and why is this happening?

Link to 129: Life Expectancy
128: Getting Your Life Back (Part 2) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Getting Your Life Back (Part 2)

EP: 128

Welcome to another installment of Real Health Radio. This week I’m sitting down with one of my past clients to discuss what it’s been like working together and chat about how she overcame decades of dieting.

Link to 128: Getting Your Life Back (Part 2)
127: How Your Thinking Affects Your Health (Part 2) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How Your Thinking Affects Your Health (Part 2)

EP: 127

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio we’re talking about how your thinking can impact your physical health and cognitive performance.

Link to 127: How Your Thinking Affects Your Health (Part 2)
126: Getting Your Life Back - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Getting Your Life Back

EP: 126

Welcome to another installment of Real Health Radio. This week I’m sitting down with one of my past clients to discuss what it’s been like working together and chat about how far she’s come.

Link to 126: Getting Your Life Back
125: Interview with Emma Louise Pudge - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Emma Louise Pudge

EP: 125

This week I talk with Emma Louise Pudge about anorexia, what causes it, and how her history with an eating disorder has impacted her life and the work she does.

Link to 125: Interview with Emma Louise Pudge
124: Interview with Laura Hearn - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Laura Hearn

EP: 124

This week I talk with Laura Hearn about eating disorders, mental health and the workplace, and the work she’s doing to help young people with confidence and identity.

Link to 124: Interview with Laura Hearn
123: Interview with Chevy Rough - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Chevy Rough

EP: 123

This week I talk with Chevy Rough about mental health, addiction, and his work using movement, exercise, and mindfulness to support body and mind.

Link to 123: Interview with Chevy Rough
122: Life Update Volume 2 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Life Update Volume 2

EP: 122

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio, I’m sharing an update on my life.

Link to 122: Life Update Volume 2
121: Interview with Elyse Resch - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Elyse Resch

EP: 121

This week I talk with Elyse Resch about common misconceptions around intuitive eating, why teenagers need it the most, and her upcoming intuitive eating workbook for teens.

Link to 121: Interview with Elyse Resch
Rebroadcast: Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating


EP: 054

Clients who have issues around food and their body make up a large chunk of my practice. In this show I share my thoughts on dealing with these issues.

Link to Rebroadcast: Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating
Rebroadcast: Interview with Evelyn Tribole - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Evelyn Tribole


EP: 068

This week’s guest is Evelyn Tribole, the co-author of Intuitive Eating. We talk all about the principles of intuitive eating and what it means.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Evelyn Tribole
120: The Replication Crisis - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Replication Crisis

EP: 120

This week’s episode of Real Health Radio is all about the replication crisis – what is it, how did it come about, what does it mean for us, and what can we do about it?

Link to 120: The Replication Crisis
Rebroadcast: Interview with Kamal Patel - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Kamal Patel


EP: 057

This week I interview Kamal Patel from Examine.com. We talk about research, supplements, the supplement industry, mediation and lots more.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Kamal Patel
Rebroadcast: Interview with Summer Innanen - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Summer Innanen


EP: 016

This week’s guest is Summer Innanen. We talk about body image, the voice inside our head and Summer’s new book, Book Image Remix.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Summer Innanen
119: Genetic Testing - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Genetic Testing

EP: 119

This week it’s a panel discussion on genetic testing. I speak with Krista Scott-Dixon, Helen Kollias, and Alaina Hardie about basics of DNA, genes, and the genome and what these are and why they’re important. We also cover the reality of what we do and don’t know at this time.

Link to 119: Genetic Testing
Rebroadcast: Interview with Anne-Sophie Reinhardt - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Anne-Sophie Reinhardt


EP: 046

On this week’s show I talk to Anne-Sophie Reinhardt. We talk about her battle with anorexia, becoming a mum, recovery, being a coach, and lots more.

Link to Rebroadcast: Interview with Anne-Sophie Reinhardt
118: Interview with Nicola Rinaldi - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Nicola Rinaldi

EP: 118

This week I talk with Nicola Rinaldi about missing periods, getting them back, exercise, pregnancy, supplements, and miscarriage.

Link to 118: Interview with Nicola Rinaldi
Rebroadcast: What Does It Mean To Be Happy? - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

What Does It Mean To Be Happy?


EP: 035

On the show I cover some misconceptions around “being happy”, how this idea can be better viewed and ways to cultivate more happiness in your life.

Link to Rebroadcast: What Does It Mean To Be Happy?
117: Interview with Andrea Owen - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Andrea Owen

EP: 117

This week I talk with Andrea Owen about her new book, the importance of noticing and naming your feelings and behaviors, and why knowing your values is so important.

Link to 117: Interview with Andrea Owen
Rebroadcast: Understanding Your Beliefs - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Your Beliefs


EP: 021

Our beliefs directly impact on how we experience the world. In this episode I look at why and how beliefs are formed, and how you can change them.

Link to Rebroadcast: Understanding Your Beliefs
116: Tribalism - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist


EP: 116

Today I’m offering commentary on something I see a lot of lately that I find problematic: tribalism. I also chat about issues with group think and beliefs, and how I think we can move past these probelms.

Link to 116: Tribalism
Rebroadcast: My Over Eating Experiment - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

My Over Eating Experiment


EP: 040

This week’s podcast is all about my over eating experiment, where I ate a minimum of 3,200 calories a day and I talk about what happened to my weight.

Link to Rebroadcast: My Over Eating Experiment
115: Interview with Laura Thomas - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Laura Thomas

EP: 115

This week I talk with Laura Thomas, PhD, about her research in psychosocial behavior change, the link between weight and health, and what the research says about food “addiction”.

Link to 115: Interview with Laura Thomas
Rebroadcast: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Minnesota Starvation Experiment


EP: 042

On this week’s show I look at The Minnesota Starvation Experiment. I explain the background, what occurred, what the results were and why it’s important.

Link to Rebroadcast: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment
114: Weight Set Point Theory - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Weight Set Point Theory

EP: 114

We’re talking about weight set point theory on this week’s episode of Real Health Radio. What is it? How does our body determine our set point? How does it keep us there?

Link to 114: Weight Set Point Theory
Rebroadcast: Setting Goals and Achieving Them - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Setting Goals and Achieving Them


EP: 074

On this week’s podcast we look at habit formation, outcome goals versus process goals, motivation, self awareness and getting clear about what’s important.

Link to Rebroadcast: Setting Goals and Achieving Them
113: What My Clients Have To Say (Part 3) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

What My Clients Have To Say (Part 3)

EP: 113

Welcome to another installment of Real Health Radio. This week I’m sitting down with two of my past clients to discuss what it’s been like working together.

Link to 113: What My Clients Have To Say (Part 3)
Rebroadcast: Issues With Your Menstrual Cycle - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Issues With Your Menstrual Cycle


EP: 025

Problems with a woman’s menstrual cycle is something I’m constantly asked about. This week’s episode of Real Health Radio is dedicated to the topic. So I decided to dedicate a whole show to it for this week’s episode of Real Health Radio.

Link to Rebroadcast: Issues With Your Menstrual Cycle
112: Free Will - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Free Will

EP: 112

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio we’re digging into the topic of free will. Do we have as much as we think? Or is it a complete illusion?

Link to 112: Free Will
111: Interview with Irene Lyon - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Irene Lyon

EP: 111

This week I talk with Irene Lyon about the nervous system, releasing trauma, and raising healthy babies.

Link to 111: Interview with Irene Lyon
110: Interview with Pixie Turner - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Pixie Turner

EP: 110

This week I chat with nutritionist Pixie Turner about social media, orthorexia, and how to improve scientific literacy.

Link to 110: Interview with Pixie Turner


109: Favourite Books, Documentaries and Podcasts 2017 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Favourite Books, Documentaries and Podcasts 2017

EP: 109

With this show, I go through my favourite books, documentaries and podcasts that I’ve consumed in 2017.

Link to 109: Favourite Books, Documentaries and Podcasts 2017
108: Interview with Jennifer Rollin - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Jennifer Rollin

EP: 108

This week I chat with eating disorder and body image specialist Jennifer Rollin. We cover eating disorders, trauma, and weight stigma.

Link to 108: Interview with Jennifer Rollin
107: Interview with Dr. Kathryn Clancy - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Dr. Kathryn Clancy

EP: 107

This week I chat with Dr Kathryn Clancy, professor of Anthropology. We cover her feminist biology lab, reproductive health, & harassment of women at work.

Link to 107: Interview with Dr. Kathryn Clancy
106: Life Update Volume 1 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Life Update Volume 1

EP: 106

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio, I’m sharing a quick life update after a 3 month hiatus.

Link to 106: Life Update Volume 1
105: Interview with Laura Dennison - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Laura Dennison

EP: 105

On today’s show, I chat with Laura Dennison. We talk about her history with an eating disorder and her website Not Plant Based.

Link to 105: Interview with Laura Dennison
104: Interview with Kate Solovieva - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Kate Solovieva

EP: 104

On today’s show, I chat with Kate Solovieva from Precision Nutrition. We talk about how Kate got started, her bucket list, and being a coach vs. an expert.

Link to 104: Interview with Kate Solovieva
103: Interview with Eve Simmons - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Eve Simmons

EP: 103

This week I sit down with Eve Simmons where we talk about her past with an eating disorder and her current work exposing health myths and dietary fads.

Link to 103: Interview with Eve Simmons
102: How Your Thinking Affects Your Health - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How Your Thinking Affects Your Health

EP: 102

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio we’re talking about how your thinking and body image can impact your physical health.

Link to 102: How Your Thinking Affects Your Health
101: Interview with Miriam Greaves - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Miriam Greaves

EP: 101

On today’s show I talk with Miriam Greaves about hypnobirthing and changing the way we think about birth.

Link to 101: Interview with Miriam Greaves
100: My Story - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

My Story

EP: 100

To celebrate the 100th episode of Real Health Radio, I answer listener questions and open up about me, my life and my story.

Link to 100: My Story
099: My New Health App Called Tummy - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

My New Health App Called Tummy

EP: 099

This week on the podcast I’m talking about my new healthy app called Tummy. I explain what it is, why we created it, what it can do and how you can try it.

Link to 099: My New Health App Called Tummy
098: Food Prep, Organisation and Snack Ideas - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Food Prep, Organisation and Snack Ideas

EP: 098

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio we’re looking at food prep, organisation, snack ideas and how to eat healthy food even with limited time.

Link to 098: Food Prep, Organisation and Snack Ideas
097: Interview with Brian St. Pierre - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Brian St. Pierre

EP: 097

On today’s show I chat to Brian St. Pierre from Precision Nutrition. We talk about sugar, grains, potatoes and being a great coach.

Link to 097: Interview with Brian St. Pierre
096: Understanding Hashimoto’s Disease - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Hashimoto's Disease

EP: 096

How Hashimoto’s Disease impacts health. The immune system’s role, testing for it & the role of food sensitivities. Medications used to treat it & resources.

Link to 096: Understanding Hashimoto’s Disease
095: Context With Health - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Context With Health

EP: 095

Why context is so important when addressing health and your approaches to improving your health.

Link to 095: Context With Health
094: Interview with Charlotte Goodall - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Charlotte Goodall

EP: 094

On the podcast, I chat with Charlotte Goodall about over training, exercise addiction, under fueling, rest and recovery, body image and identity.

Link to 094: Interview with Charlotte Goodall
093: Interview with Pip Black - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Pip Black

EP: 093

This week I interview Pip Black. We talk about her background in fitness and sports, why she felt compelled to create Frame, and what business is like now.

Link to 093: Interview with Pip Black
092: Interview with Tina Muir - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Tina Muir

EP: 092

This week I interview Tina Muir. We talk about running competitively, her decision to stop & why, her experience with amenorrhea and what she is doing now.

Link to 092: Interview with Tina Muir
091: Interview with Dr Bryan Walsh - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Dr Bryan Walsh

EP: 091

This week I interview Dr. Bryan Walsh. We discuss traditional vs. alternative medicine, immunity & Th1 vs. Th2 dominance, adrenal issues & mental outlook.

Link to 091: Interview with Dr Bryan Walsh
090: Understanding Exercise and Fitness - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Exercise and Fitness

EP: 090

How exercise benefits us, hormesis, and major factors that determine these benefits. Signs of overtraining & movement that is the most supportive of health.

Link to 090: Understanding Exercise and Fitness
089: Interview with Alexa Schirm - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Alexa Schirm

EP: 089

This week I interview Alexa Schirm. We talk about cooking, raising healthy eaters, kids as natural intuitive eaters, and running a nutrition business.

Link to 089: Interview with Alexa Schirm
088: Interview with Matt Stone - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Matt Stone

EP: 088

This week I interview Matt Stone. We talk about cooking, health research, what kids can teach us about metabolism and the big factors that impact health.

Link to 088: Interview with Matt Stone
087: Understanding Energy Flux - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Energy Flux

EP: 087

Energy flux in the context of your life. I explain what it is, why it’s important and the major factors in your daily life influencing energy flux.

Link to 087: Understanding Energy Flux
086: Interview with Andrea LaMarre - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Andrea LaMarre

EP: 086

This week I interview Andrea LaMarre. We talk about eating disorders, treatment approaches, the science & research involved, double standards & gender.

Link to 086: Interview with Andrea LaMarre
085: The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Study - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Study

EP: 085

The ACE study was done nearly 20 years ago but too few people know of it. It looks at how childhood trauma affects health and behaviours later in life.

Link to 085: The Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) Study
084: Interview with Rachel W. Cole - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Rachel W. Cole

EP: 084

This week I interview Rachel W. Cole on the podcast. We talk about coaching, intuitive eating, the highly sensitive person, and living a well-fed life.

Link to 084: Interview with Rachel W. Cole
083: How The Environment Affects Food Choices (Part 2) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How The Environment Affects Food Choices (Part 2)

EP: 083

How our environment impacts the choices we make when consuming food.

Link to 083: How The Environment Affects Food Choices (Part 2)
082: Interview with Mel Noakes - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Mel Noakes

EP: 082

This week I interview Mel Noakes, The Self Care Coach, on the podcast. We talk about coaching, travel, self esteem, fear, self awareness and self care.

Link to 082: Interview with Mel Noakes
081: How The Environment Affects Food Choices - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How The Environment Affects Food Choices

EP: 081

On this episode of the podcast we look at how the environmental cues we receive can impact on the food choices and behaviours of kids.

Link to 081: How The Environment Affects Food Choices
080: Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke

EP: 080

This week I welcome back Isabel Foxen Duke to the podcast. We talk about sugar “addiction”, Overeaters Anonymous, and the body positive movement.

Link to 080: Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke
079: Understanding Hormesis - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Hormesis

EP: 079

This week’s show is all about hormesis. I explain what it is, some of the mechanisms for how it works in the body and how you can increase it.

Link to 079: Understanding Hormesis
078: Interview with Chris Masterjohn - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Chris Masterjohn

EP: 078

This week on the show I’m interviewing Chris Masterjohn. We chat about leaving academia, vitamin K2, oxidants and antioxidants.

Link to 078: Interview with Chris Masterjohn
077: Keeping Healthy Through The Winter Months - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Keeping Healthy Through The Winter Months

EP: 077

This episode is all about supporting your immune system and staying healthy in the winter time

Link to 077: Keeping Healthy Through The Winter Months
076: Interview with Lara Briden - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Lara Briden

EP: 076

On this week’s show I speak with Lara Briden. We cover heavy periods, PMS, acne, different contraceptive methods, PCOS, and much more.

Link to 076: Interview with Lara Briden
075: What My Clients Have To Say (Part 2) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

What My Clients Have To Say (Part 2)

EP: 075

Welcome to another instalment of Real Health Radio. This week I’m sitting down with two of my clients to discuss what it’s been like working together.

Link to 075: What My Clients Have To Say (Part 2)
074: Setting Goals and Achieving Them - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Setting Goals and Achieving Them

EP: 074

On this week’s podcast we look at habit formation, outcome goals versus process goals, motivation, self awareness and getting clear about what’s important.

Link to 074: Setting Goals and Achieving Them
073: Interview with Kevin Geary - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Kevin Geary

EP: 073

On this week’s show I interview Kevin Geary. We chat about cravings, adverse experiences, moderation, your relationship with food and much more.

Link to 073: Interview with Kevin Geary


072: Favourite Books and Documentaries 2016 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Favourite Books and Documentaries 2016

EP: 072

On this week’s show I go through my favourite books and documentaries that I’ve consumed in 2016.

Link to 072: Favourite Books and Documentaries 2016
071: Interview with Erin Brown - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Erin Brown

EP: 071

Welcome to another instalment of Real Health Radio, today my guest is Erin Brown.

Link to 071: Interview with Erin Brown
070: My Thoughts On Weight - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

My Thoughts On Weight

EP: 070

Today’s show is about weight. I discuss body fat vs. habits, weight bias, correlation vs. causation, discrimination, the ACE Study and much more.

Link to 070: My Thoughts On Weight
069: Interview with Joe Bernstein - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Joe Bernstein

EP: 069

This week’s guest on the show is Joe Bernstein. We talk about how he transformed his life after age 25 by changing his habits and beliefs.

Link to 069: Interview with Joe Bernstein
068: Interview with Evelyn Tribole - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Evelyn Tribole

EP: 068

This week’s guest is Evelyn Tribole, the co-author of Intuitive Eating. We talk all about the principles of intuitive eating and what it means.

Link to 068: Interview with Evelyn Tribole
067: Understanding Stools - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Stools

EP: 067

This episode of Real Health Radio is all about stools. How often you should go, what they should look like, what they’re made of and much more.

Link to 067: Understanding Stools
066: Overcoming Emotional Eating - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Overcoming Emotional Eating

EP: 066

Today’s episode is actually a recording of an interview that I did as part of a summit called Overcoming Emotional Eating put on by Elena Terziyska.

Link to 066: Overcoming Emotional Eating
065: Understanding Stress (Part 2) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Stress (Part 2)

EP: 065

This is part two in my series on stress. I share some of the stressful events over the last 12 months and how this has impacted on my my health.

Link to 065: Understanding Stress (Part 2)
064: Interview with Rachel Foy - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Rachel Foy

EP: 064

On today’s show I interview Rachel Foy. We talk about crazy weight loss attempts, weddings, hiding behind food issues and stress eating.

Link to 064: Interview with Rachel Foy
063: Interview with Nicola Rinaldi - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Nicola Rinaldi

EP: 063

Today on the show my guest is Nicola Rinaldi. We talk about reproductive hormones and hypothalamic amenorrhea.

Link to 063: Interview with Nicola Rinaldi
062: Understanding Stress (Part 1) - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Stress (Part 1)

EP: 062

Stress is a term that is commonly used when talking about health. But what does it really mean? I explain how stress works on a physiological level.

Link to 062: Understanding Stress (Part 1)
061: Interview with Christy Harrison - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Christy Harrison

EP: 061

On this week’s show I have Christy Harrison. She tells her story of disordered eating, codependent relationships, becoming a dietician, HAES and much more.

Link to 061: Interview with Christy Harrison
060: Understanding Dietary Fat - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Dietary Fat

EP: 060

On today’s show I look at fat intake. What are the different types, how is it digested, what roles fat provides in the body and my preferences with sources.

Link to 060: Understanding Dietary Fat
059: Interview with Dr Brooke Kalanick - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Dr Brooke Kalanick

EP: 059

On this week’s show I have Dr Brooke Kalanick. We talk about thyroid hormones, Hashimoto’s, reproduction, stress, Girls Gone Strong, and body insecurities.

Link to 059: Interview with Dr Brooke Kalanick
058: Applying Pareto’s Principle To Health - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Applying Pareto's Principle To Health

EP: 058

Today I’m covering Pareto’s principle (or the 80/20 Principle) and how you can use it to make your health journey easier.

Link to 058: Applying Pareto’s Principle To Health
057: Interview with Kamal Patel - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Kamal Patel

EP: 057

This week I interview Kamal Patel from Examine.com. We talk about research, supplements, the supplement industry, mediation and lots more.

Link to 057: Interview with Kamal Patel
056: Understanding Fluid Intake and Urination - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Fluid Intake and Urination

EP: 056

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio we look at fluid intake and urination. How much to drink? How often to go? What other factors impact hydration?

Link to 056: Understanding Fluid Intake and Urination
055: Interview with Lu Uhrich - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Lu Uhrich

EP: 055

Today on the podcast I talk to Lu Uhrich. We cover her previous struggles with food, thin privilege, binges, uncomfortable feelings, compassion and more.

Link to 055: Interview with Lu Uhrich
054: Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating

EP: 054

Clients who have issues around food and their body make up a large chunk of my practice. In this show I share my thoughts on dealing with these issues.

Link to 054: Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating
053: Interview with Brad Abrahams and Jeremy Stuart - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Brad Abrahams and Jeremy Stuart

EP: 053

For this show I’m speaking to Brad Abrahams and Jeremy Stuart. They are the directors of a new documentary called On The Back Of a Tiger.

Link to 053: Interview with Brad Abrahams and Jeremy Stuart
052: How Light Affects Health - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How Light Affects Health

EP: 052

Light is undervalued for its affect on health. In this show I look at the different wave lengths and how they affect the body.

Link to 052: How Light Affects Health
051: Interview with Ari Whitten - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Ari Whitten

EP: 051

This week on the show I have the return of a previous guest, Ari Whitten. We talk about my overfeeding experiment, calorie flux, the Amish paradox and more.

Link to 051: Interview with Ari Whitten
050: The Blue Zones - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Blue Zones

EP: 050

On today’s show I cover the Blue Zones and what are the nine different principles that all these areas have in common that support their longevity.

Link to 050: The Blue Zones
049: I Got Interviewed by Solgar - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

I Got Interviewed by Solgar

EP: 049

On this week’s show I’m interviewed by Alice Bradshaw from Solgar. I talk about setting up my practice, the clients I work with and much more.

Link to 049: I Got Interviewed by Solgar
048: Interview with Krista Scott-Dixon - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Krista Scott-Dixon

EP: 048

On the show I interview Krista Scott-Dixon. We look at what it means to be a coach, habit formation, Precision Nutrition, being realistic and lots more.

Link to 048: Interview with Krista Scott-Dixon
047: What My Clients Have To Say - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

What My Clients Have To Say

EP: 047

This week I’m sitting down with two of my clients discussing their experiences with working with me.

Link to 047: What My Clients Have To Say
046: Interview with Anne-Sophie Reinhardt - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Anne-Sophie Reinhardt

EP: 046

On this week’s show I talk to Anne-Sophie Reinhardt. We talk about her battle with anorexia, becoming a mum, recovery, being a coach, and lots more.

Link to 046: Interview with Anne-Sophie Reinhardt
045: The Female Menstrual Cycle - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Female Menstrual Cycle

EP: 045

This episode is all about the female menstrual cycle. I cover the different hormones, organs and physiological changes that occur across the cycle.

Link to 045: The Female Menstrual Cycle
044: Understanding Protein - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Protein

EP: 044

Today’s episode is all about understanding protein. How it is digested, what it is used for, the best sources, bioavailability, and animal versus vegetable.

Link to 044: Understanding Protein
043: Interview with Sarah Vance - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Sarah Vance

EP: 043

This week’s guest on the show is Sarah Vance. We talk about bikini contests, disordered eating, recovery, dieting, and rediscovering a love of exercise.

Link to 043: Interview with Sarah Vance
042: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

The Minnesota Starvation Experiment

EP: 042

On this week’s show I look at The Minnesota Starvation Experiment. I explain the background, what occurred, what the results were and why it’s important.

Link to 042: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment
041: Interview with Zoe Nicholson - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Zoe Nicholson

EP: 041

On this week’s podcast I have Zoe Nicholson. We talk about how she’s changed as a dietician, intuitive eating, eating disorders, food addiction and more.

Link to 041: Interview with Zoe Nicholson
040: My Over Eating Experiment - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

My Over Eating Experiment

EP: 040

This week’s podcast is all about my over eating experiment, where I ate a minimum of 3,200 calories a day and I talk about what happened to my weight.

Link to 040: My Over Eating Experiment
039: Interview with Jamie Mendell - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Jamie Mendell

EP: 039

This week’s guest on the podcast is Jamie Mendell. We talk about her struggles with food and body image, becoming a coach, self-care, self talk, and more.

Link to 039: Interview with Jamie Mendell
038: Interview with Kaila Prins - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Kaila Prins

EP: 038

Today’s guest on the podcast is Kaila Prins. We talk about eating disorders, full recovery versus recovered enough, burlesque, media literacy and much more.

Link to 038: Interview with Kaila Prins
037: Setting Up and Running a Successful Practice - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Setting Up and Running a Successful Practice

EP: 037

On this week’s episode of Real Health Radio I am looking at setting up and running a successful practice.

Link to 037: Setting Up and Running a Successful Practice
036: Interview with Jodie Arnot - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Jodie Arnot

EP: 036

On today’s show with Jodie Arnot we talk health, fitness, Health At Every Size, Intuitive Eating, finding exercise you love and The Moderation Movement.

Link to 036: Interview with Jodie Arnot
035: What Does It Mean To Be Happy? - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

What Does It Mean To Be Happy?

EP: 035

On the show I cover some misconceptions around “being happy”, how this idea can be better viewed and ways to cultivate more happiness in your life.

Link to 035: What Does It Mean To Be Happy?
034: Interview with Scott Kustes - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Scott Kustes

EP: 034

Today on the show I interview Scott Kustes, author of the Kill Your Diet series. We chat about paleo, dieting, food myths, understanding research and more.

Link to 034: Interview with Scott Kustes
033: Understanding Carbohydrates - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Carbohydrates

EP: 033

During the show I cover what carbohydrates are used for in the body, the different dietary sources, and my preferences based on working with clients.

Link to 033: Understanding Carbohydrates
032: Interview with Mike Weeks - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Mike Weeks

EP: 032

On the show this week is Mike Weeks. We talk about rock climbing, working with Jack Osbourne, assisting in Haiti for clients with PTSD, and his love of NLP.

Link to 032: Interview with Mike Weeks
031: Understanding Cholesterol - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Cholesterol

EP: 031

On today’s show I cover what cholesterol is, its functions, what HDL and LDL are, the connection with heart disease and the reasons for high or low amounts.

Link to 031: Understanding Cholesterol
030: Interview with James Krieger - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with James Krieger

EP: 030

On today’s episode of Real Health Radio I interview James Krieger. We talk about insulin, artificial sweeteners and his recent physique competition.

Link to 030: Interview with James Krieger
029: Intuitive Eating - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Intuitive Eating

EP: 029

This week’s episode is all about Intuitive Eating. On the show I go over the central tenants of intuitive eating and what it’s really about.

Link to 029: Intuitive Eating
028: Interview with Andrea Owen - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Andrea Owen

EP: 028

This week’s guest on Real Health Radio is Andrea Owen. We talk about the inner critic, shame, vulnerability, empathy, Brene Brown and lots more.

Link to 028: Interview with Andrea Owen
027: Understanding Detoxification - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Detoxification

EP: 027

On today’s podcast I look at how detoxification works, the organs involved, why most “detoxes” don’t work, and what to do help with detoxification.

Link to 027: Understanding Detoxification
026: Interview with Stephan Guyenet - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Stephan Guyenet

EP: 026

This week I interview Stephan Guyenet. We talk about food palatability, weight set point theory, the GI index, sugar and much more.

Link to 026: Interview with Stephan Guyenet
025: Irregular Periods and Other Menstrual Cycle Issues - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Irregular Periods and Other Menstrual Cycle Issues

EP: 025

Problems with a woman’s menstrual cycle is something I’m constantly asked about. This week’s episode of Real Health Radio is dedicated to the topic.

Link to 025: Irregular Periods and Other Menstrual Cycle Issues
024: Interview with Melissa A. Fabello - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Melissa A. Fabello

EP: 024

On this episode of Real Health Radio I speak to Melissa A. Fabello. We cover her past issues with food, feminism, skin hunger in anorexics and much more.

Link to 024: Interview with Melissa A. Fabello
023: Understanding Thyroid - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Thyroid

EP: 023

Thyroid issues are common. In this podcast we look at different hormones linked to the thyroid, different problems and suggestions to help.

Link to 023: Understanding Thyroid
022: Interview with Virgie Tovar - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Virgie Tovar

EP: 022

On this week’s show I speak to Virgie Tovar, author and one of the USA’s leading experts and lecturers on fat discrimination and body image.

Link to 022: Interview with Virgie Tovar


021: Understanding Your Beliefs - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Your Beliefs

EP: 021

Our beliefs directly impact on how we experience the world. In this episode I look at why and how beliefs are formed, and how you can change them.

Link to 021: Understanding Your Beliefs
020: Interview with Caroline Dooner - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Caroline Dooner

EP: 020

On today’s episode of Real Health Radio I interview Caroline Dooner. We talk about binge eating, restriction, creativity and recovery.

Link to 020: Interview with Caroline Dooner
019: Favourite Books and Documentaries 2015 - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Favourite Books and Documentaries 2015

EP: 019

So as 2015 comes to a close I wanted to do show covering a year in review. In this episode I go through my my top ten books and documentaries of the year.

Link to 019: Favourite Books and Documentaries 2015
018: Interview with Kelsey Marksteiner - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Kelsey Marksteiner

EP: 018

On today’s episode of Real Health Radio I interview Kelsey Marksteiner. We talk about all things SBIO and gut health related.

Link to 018: Interview with Kelsey Marksteiner
017: How To Improve Your Sleep - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

How To Improve Your Sleep

EP: 017

When looking to create health, the importance of sleep is one aspect that’s often neglected. In this show I give tips for how to improve your sleep.

Link to 017: How To Improve Your Sleep
016: Interview with Summer Innanen - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Summer Innanen

EP: 016

This week’s guest is Summer Innanen. We talk about body image, the voice inside our head and Summer’s new book, Book Image Remix.

Link to 016: Interview with Summer Innanen
015: A Day In My Life - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

A Day In My Life

EP: 015

This week on Real Health Radio I share with you a day in my life. I explain my eating habits, how I spend my days, the exercise I do, and lots more.

Link to 015: A Day In My Life
014: Interview with Shane Hubbard - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Shane Hubbard

EP: 014

On this week’s show my guest is Shane Hubbard, personal trainer and independent health researcher.

Link to 014: Interview with Shane Hubbard
013: Understanding Endometriosis and PCOS - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Endometriosis and PCOS

EP: 013

Endometriosis and PCOS: how they occur, what are the symptoms, how they are diagnosed and some ideas for how to deal with them.

Link to 013: Understanding Endometriosis and PCOS
012: Interview with Maddy Moon - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Maddy Moon

EP: 012

In this podcast I interview Maddy Moon. We talk about her fitness competition days, struggles with eating and how she is now helping women.

Link to 012: Interview with Maddy Moon
011: Using a Food Log - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Using a Food Log

EP: 011

Using a food log: I explain the things that you should be keeping a tally on, why they’re important and how you use this information to improve your health.

Link to 011: Using a Food Log
010: Interview with Laura Schoenfeld - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Laura Schoenfeld

EP: 010

In today’s podcast I interview Laura Schoenfeld.

Link to 010: Interview with Laura Schoenfeld
009: Health At Every Size - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Health At Every Size

EP: 009

Health At Every Size (HAES) is a movement that is growing in popularity. In this podcast I look at what it is about, it’s benefits and its shortcomings.

Link to 009: Health At Every Size
008: Interview with Josh and Jeanne Rubin - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Josh and Jeanne Rubin

EP: 008

On today’s episode of Real Health Radio I talk to Josh and Jeanne Rubin from East West Healing.

Link to 008: Interview with Josh and Jeanne Rubin
007: Understanding Bloating - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Bloating

EP: 007

Bloating is probably the most common symptom clients suffer with. In this podcast I cover all the reasons it can be happening.

Link to 007: Understanding Bloating
006: Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke

EP: 006

In today’s episode of Real Health Radio I talk to Isabel Foxen Duke about body image, weight, emotional eating and much more.

Link to 006: Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke
005: Cravings and Food Addiction - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Cravings and Food Addiction

EP: 005

Is sugar so addictive that you become powerless to its pull? Does eating fast food get you hooked like heroin? Let’s look at food addiction and cravings.

Link to 005: Cravings and Food Addiction
004: Interview with Ari Whitten - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Ari Whitten

EP: 004

In today’s episode I interview Ari Whitten.

Link to 004: Interview with Ari Whitten
003: Understanding Blood Sugar - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Understanding Blood Sugar

EP: 003

Balancing blood sugar is a catchphrase for nutritionists but what does it really mean? This podcast explains what’s really going on.

Link to 003: Understanding Blood Sugar
002: Interview with Scott Abel - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Interview with Scott Abel

EP: 002

Scott Abel is a former bodybuilder, an author, and, first and foremost, a fitness Coach. In this podcast he talks about eating issues and body image.

Link to 002: Interview with Scott Abel
001: Introduction, Show Formalities and What To Expect - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Introduction, Show Formalities and What To Expect

EP: 001

This is the first episode of Real Health Radio. Find out what to expect from the show and some handy tips for how to think about health.

Link to 001: Introduction, Show Formalities and What To Expect