Julie Walsh - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Dec 2.2018

Dec 2.2018

Working with Chris was a game changer for how I approach food and see my body – it was a lifestyle game changer, really. His style is based on scientific fundamentals, overlaid with how one feels about things – his/her body, as well as what (s)he “feels” like eating. He was crystal clear from the beginning about what (not) to expect, and I appreciated that honesty. For example, he was clear that I would probably some pounds instead of lose in the near future. Not what one wants to hear, but the level of honesty and expectation-setting intrigued me.

From there, Chris acted as almost a body / food counselor. Someone who would instigate conversations I wouldn’t have with anyone: “What do you see when you look in the mirror?… How does this / that food make you feel?..” etc. He prescribed some reflection and soul searching activities that were the right thing for me – and then pushed me through the uncomfortable step of talking about them! On the food front, step 1 was no calorie counting and really listening to what my body needed (a nightmare for someone who has been counting calories every day for 5+ years).

One of the other key facts about Chris is that he doesn’t assign judgement. Food is not “good”or “bad,” “healthy” or “unhealthy.” This is critical for someone trying to overcome years of programmed negative self-talk.

This process was challenging, perhaps most of all because it requires trust of what had been an unknown for me and willingness to work through the journey (adding a few pounds along the way). However, the outcome has been that I have more energy than ever before – and my brain can take on more complex issues at work for a longer time. For the first time (literally, in my life), I can hear what my body wants to eat. The ultimate testimonial of this for me is that I (sometimes!) turn away sweets – not because I’m scared of the calories but – because I authentically don’t feel like them.

For me, I never thought that I’d have a lifestyle not based on: calorie-counting, being at the gym twice per day, and constantly feeling fatigue like I was dragging myself from one activity to the next. Now, I am moving toward the opposite of all those things. I know how to listen to my body – both what it wants to eat and when it needs to rest.

My brain and energy functioning is at an all-time high.

And lastly, my final acceptance of the body I already have has given me the confidence to keep these habits going and feel better in my own skin every day.


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