In this episode we delve into how environmental factors like carton characters, cereal bowl sizes, Elmo stickers, or the colours on a plate can affect food choice and consumption. This episode is specifically looking at how this impacts on children (but there will be a part two that addresses this stuff in adults).
Food And Brand Lab at Cornell University
Advertising healthy food leads to increased consumption
The power of stickers
What would Batman eat?
Eye contact and cartoon characters on cereal boxes
How descriptive names increases food intake
How bowl size affects cereal intake
How a plate of food looks will affect the intake
The power of cutting up fruit
If the front teeth are involved, bad behaviour can ensue
What percentage of food to children eat from their plate
Eat at a table instead of in front of the TV
How trays versus no trays affects food taken at a cafeteria
Making vegetables more convenient
The problem with banning foods
Commenting on a child’s weight leads to body dissatisfaction
Marketing vegetables/salad to children increases their intake
Using characters on healthy food increases consumption
Association between role models, what kids think they eat and how it affects there eating
The eye contact of characters on cereal boxes and the trust it creates
Using descriptors helps kids eat more healthy foods
How bowl size increases kids eating
Differences between introverted and extroverted
How plate design can affect children eating
Why you should provide kids with variety
Cutting up fruit leads to more consumption
Make fruit look nice and people eat more
Kids don’t clean their plates and we shouldn’t force them to
Adults are members of the Clean Plate Club
Eating at a dinner table is correlated with a lower BMI
Children’s behavior depending on biting or chewing
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