Surviving Halloween - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Oct 25.2022

Oct 25.2022

Surviving Halloween

Halloween is just around the corner.

I know for many clients, that this can be a tricky time of year.

There can be excitement, because of the kinds of treats that are on offer, some of which appear for a limited time. They have cravings and a desire to eat them.

But there is also fear too 

I don’t want to keep these foods in the house, I don’t trust myself

Having these kinds of foods always leads to a binge

How do I deal with my kids and all the candy? I don’t want them to eat so much and I also don’t want it to be in the house and around me

So how should you approach Halloween? What should you do about all the “treats” and “forbidden food?”

I’m an advocate of intuitive eating. I truly believe that when we can truly embrace the ten principles of intuitive eating, navigating Halloween (or Thanksgiving or Christmas or any such event) is relatively straightforward (at least on the food front, maybe less so with family).

Because you know how to listen to your body and can trust it. So, these times of more novel foods and eating experiences don’t pose a challenge.

But the reality is that not everyone is at this place. And I don’t know where you’re at.

Maybe you are only just starting to quit dieting and explore intuitive eating. Or perhaps you are in recovery from an eating disorder and there are still many fear foods and fearful eating situations.

So I can’t tell you exactly what to do, because I don’t know your current situation. But I’d like to share how one client is approaching this time.

Challenging Food Fears

I’ve been working with her for several years. She loves autumn/fall and the changes in both the weather and the foods that occur at this time.

She also loves the many foods that appear around Halloween time. Different cookies, muffins and pumpkin bread that are only at the store for a limited time before they disappear again.

She remembers times when she was able to eat these freely and enjoy them. Happy times connected to her childhood and also with her kids.

But she also has fears about eating them and having them in the house. She is recovering from the binge/purge subtype of anorexia. So, while there are positive moments connected to these foods, there are also connections with eating foods like this that then turned into an unpleasant experience.

Over our time working together she has been able to make huge changes.

  • She’s increased the amount and frequency of her eating.
  • She has been able to bring in many foods that previously were off-limits. And she’s had these items return to being just food, rather than causing anxiety when eating them.
  • She’s gained weight and become less fearful about gaining more. Because she’s seen how much things have improved alongside this weight gain.  

But up until this point, there have been many Halloween foods that she hasn’t brought back in.

And so, she is using this time of year to continue to challenge her food fears. And being conscious of the limited window of time that she has to enjoy these foods again before they disappear for another year.

While there is fear, the more dominant feeling is excitement. And after such a long time of being stuck in an eating disorder, it’s incredible for her to experience this shift.

Recovery Is Not A Quick Process

It’s taken time to get to this point as recovery is rarely quick or linear.  And I don’t think you should compare your recovery to hers or anyone else’s; everyone’s recovery looks different.

You have to go at a pace that is right for you. And there will be times when it feels like things are progressing well and other times when it feels like things are regressing.

But, it’s often when things are supposedly “regressing,” that many lessons are learned. And you understand the things that do and don’t make a difference.

And it’s times like Halloween that can provide opportunities for growth, even if things don’t work out as you planned or hoped.

So, if this is a challenging time for you, please treat yourself with self-compassion. Do what you can do. And if this is a time that can lead to further expansion of your eating, then go for it.

Need Help?

If holidays like Halloween are times you struggle with, I’d love to help

You can click here to register for a free initial chat, or if you want to read more about working together, click the link below.

I wish you all the best with Halloween and whatever challenges it may bring up.


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