080: Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Episode 080: Welcome back to Real Health Radio. Today I’m bringing back a previous guest for a round two, and that guest is Isabel Foxen Duke.

Feb 23.2017

Feb 23.2017

Isabel is a Certified Health Coach and Emotional Eating Expert. She helps women make peace with their bodies, so they can stop obsessing about food and get back to living awesome lives.

After years of trying to overcome emotional eating through “traditional” and alternative approaches, Isabel discovered some radical new ways to get women over their food issues once and for all.

She has been featured in the Huffington Post, Elle Magazine, XOJane, and has even been praised by Ricki Lake. More information can be found about her at www.isabelfoxenduke.com

Here’s what we talk about in this podcast episode:


What’s Isabel’s job


The more you believe in sugar addiction, the more it becomes true


The difference between physical addiction and sugar


Dopamine increases in response to many pleasurable activities and substances


Isabel’s experience with Overeaters Anonymous (OA)


The sense of community it gave her (despite it not working)


Dieting is easiest on day one; intuitive eating is toughest on day one


Why intuitive eating is just a tool, it’s not the final answer


Historical body positivity versus consumerist body positivity


Why we need to redefine our cultural construct of beauty


If we can change the beauty ideal, it will change women’s behaviour around food


Fashion and the beauty industry that has been most changed by body positivity


Isabel’s free video training Stop Fighting Food

Thanks so much for joining this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!

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One response to “080: Interview with Isabel Foxen Duke”

  1. Lianda says:

    Great program. I too believe, that dieting causes binging. The intuitive eating method is great, but you have to be absolutely ready to give up the idea that you are doing this to lose weight. That’s one of the problems I think that women have when it’s only slender “diet” or even no-diet gurus who are talking about THEIR programs. Heavier women are going to look at you and Isabel and think: THEY went on their “diet” plan and now THEY are thin…. maybe it will work for me. And MAYBE it will, but if the statistics are correct, only 5% of people who follow ANY method of controlling their food intake will lose and maintain weight loss.
    With regard to changing the standards of beauty, it will only take hold when thin movie stars take partners who are heavy. That’s when body acceptance at any size will spread in acceptance. Before that, heavier people will still bear the brunt of society’s shame and blame of “over-weight” people.

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