
Discover the First 5 Steps To Take In Your Eating Disorder Recovery
Get started the right way and be on the path to full recovery and the freedom it will bring YOU.

Unlike other approaches focusing on just one aspect of recovery, this course shares a framework that demonstrates what full recovery is really about and gives you the tools to get there.

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Discover the First 5 Steps To Take In Your Eating Disorder Recovery
Get started the right way and be on the path to full recovery and the freedom it will bring YOU.

Unlike other approaches focusing on just one aspect of recovery, this course shares a framework that demonstrates what full recovery is really about and gives you the tools to get there.

Get Instant Access!

Eating Disorder Recovery


EP: 255

On this episode of Real Health Radio, it is a solo show and it is all about eating disorder recovery. I cover the many aspects that make up recovery when we truly want to get at all the ways that an eating disorder infiltrates one’s life

Link to Rebroadcast: Eating Disorder Recovery
309: Body Image Freedom With Jamie Magdic - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Body Image Freedom With Jamie Magdic

EP: 309

On this week's episode of the podcast I chat with Jamie Magdic about her book Food & Body Image Freedom Workbook & Journal: Find body love and food freedom without diets, food obsession, or weight shame!

Link to 309: Body Image Freedom With Jamie Magdic
308: Cognitive Impairment, Anticipated Regret, Eating Speed and Her New Book With Emily Troscianko - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

Cognitive Impairment, Anticipated Regret, Eating Speed and Her New Book With Emily Troscianko

EP: 308

This week we have a returning guest with Emily Troscianko making her second appearance on the show. As part of this episode we talk about the research Emily did to test if her memoir would create harm and whether it should be published. We also talk about cognitive impairment with eating disorders, the power of anticipated regret and using eating speed with recovery.

Link to 308: Cognitive Impairment, Anticipated Regret, Eating Speed and Her New Book With Emily Troscianko
307: You’re Not Good At Predicting The Future - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist

You're Not Good At Predicting The Future

EP: 307

As humans, we are not very good at predicting the future or how a future event will leave us feeling and how long that feeling will last. And this is especially the case when living with an eating disorder. Today on the show, I look at an idea called affective forecasting and some of the biases or reasons we predict incorrectly.

Link to 307: You’re Not Good At Predicting The Future


"I began working with Chris over a year ago, and I could never imagine feeling the way I do, or being the person I am today without his help. My world has got so much bigger, and so much better, despite letting go of so many things that I thought I valued, that told me they kept me safe, and that I thought gave me community. They were all empty and all consuming. I think secretly I knew that, and that’s why I sought out help. I first came across Chris through his blog posts. It was the first time..."

Valentina - Seven Health: Eating Disorder Recovery and Anti Diet Nutritionist


"I reached out to Chris, two months after I had sworn to myself that I’d never again enrol in any sort of counselling. Almost ten years of struggling with a restrictive eating disorder, four attempts of seeking professional help, and countless times of trying to recover on my own, had left me feeling hopeless. Moreover, the last shot I took at recovery resulted in an intense period of binge eating. When it started showing on the scale, I considered myself recovered and went back to a “I will restrict again but this time I‘ll be smart about it“ mentality. So..."


"I cannot imagine where I would be today were it not for Chris Sandel of Seven Health. I came across his work at some point in 2019 after entering treatment in March of the previous year for a very long history of anorexia nervosa that had begun almost four decades before. Despite working with a nutritionist and a therapist for more than a year, I was still firmly entrenched in the hellish prison of “quasi” recovery, unable to comprehend how I could completely walk away from what I believed to have been my identity for as long as I could remember...."

How To Make Recovery Simple

Jul 11.2023

One of the things I hear most from potential clients is how overwhelming and confusing recovery can feel. Today I’m sharing a framework that will change this and show you how to make recovery simple.

Link to How To Make Recovery Simple