Episode 003: In this episode it’s me on my own discussing one of the most poorly understood topics, blood sugar.
Insulin resistance and diabetes is on the rise and we are constantly told about the dangers of high blood sugar. Diets like paleo and low-carb have been suggesting that we avoid or minimise carbohydrates to protect against high blood sugar.
But what is high blood sugar really about? While most people think that high blood sugar is the problem, I tend to think of it as a symptom of a different issue. In this podcast I explain my take on blood sugar, why it’s happening and what you can do about it.
The “normal” explanation about blood sugar
Why high blood sugar is a symptom and not the real issue
How cells produce energy
Why carbon dioxide is important and not just a waste product
How stress plays a role in high blood sugar
When people say “I feel like I’m having low blood sugar”, what’s really happening
How insulin affects blood sugar
Why a high fat diet doesn’t solve the issue
Can white sugar help with diabetes and insulin resistance?
Do processed foods cause a problem?
What can you do to help with high blood sugar or diabetes?
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Thanks for joining me on this episode. Here is a link to see the other shows. Until next time!
Hi Chris,
This podcast is really helpful in making clear the common misconceptions on blood sugar and diabetes. The thing it wasn’t really clear to me is what is the cause of cells inability to produce energy?